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An ancient way of life in danger
1 In today's globalized world, you may be surprised to learn that there are still some tribes, or groups of people, who live completely apart from modern culture.What we do know is that many of them face an uncertain future.

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An ancient way of life in danger
1 In today's globalized world, you may be surprised to learn that there are still some tribes, or groups of people, who live completely apart from modern culture. These groups are called 'uncontacted peoples', and while some may have had limited contact with outside groups over time, they have all preserved ancient traditions and ways of life with almost no influence from present-day society. It is difficult to know exactly how many uncontacted peoples exist today, but some experts believe there are around 100 tribes worldwide, while others think the number is likely to be much higher. What we do know is that many of them face an uncertain future.

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