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The increase in the number of countries and entities utilizing the space environment has increased the possibility of space object collision and interference and the proliferation of space debris, raising important concerns on the sustainability of space activities - particularly in the current context of a growing number of space-faring nations.

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The increase in the number of countries and entities utilizing the space environment has increased the possibility of space object collision and interference and the proliferation of space debris, raising important concerns on the sustainability of space activities – particularly in the current context of a growing number of space-faring nations. 26 NATIONAL SPACE POLICY OF THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES The UAE will therefore support relevant national and international efforts that aim to improve the planning, access to and efficient use of radiofrequency spectrum and orbital slots; support transparency, openness, coordination and information sharing regarding space operations and activities; improve safety and security of space activities and the space environment, including cyber and terrestrial infrastructure security; mitigate space debris; increase space situational awareness operations and capabilities; assure access to, in, and from space; as well as other efforts to address issues that affect the sustainability of space activities.

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