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Material in the preceding section showed the relative size of the various energy flows in the system and aggregate prices as they have behaved over the last few decades, When we start to look in more details at the entire energy setup, its full complexity begins to
reveal itself.Obviously, a huge physical system (tankers, trains, refineries, transmission lines, ......) is required to move energy resources and products from start to finish.

Original text

Material in the preceding section showed the relative size of the various energy flows in the system and aggregate prices as they have behaved over the last few decades, When we start to look in more details at the entire energy setup, its full complexity begins to
reveal itself. Obviously, a huge physical system (tankers, trains, refineries, transmission lines, ..... .) is required to move energy resources and products from start to finish. "There is also a large and complex institutional system (small and large private firms, markets,
governmental bodies of all types, .. .. .) that essentially manages the system. It is the people spread through these organizations whose decisions determine the size and character of the physical system and the quantity and timing of the energy flow within it. And it is they
who determine how well the system works according to the various criteria with which it can be evaluated. About 85 percent of the energy resources consumed in the United States are fossil fuels: coal,
oil, and natural gas. If we were to characterize the industries briefly, we would say that they consist of mall numbers of relatively large firms that are highly integrated, for example the petroleum industry

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