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Mohamed Alali abides by his duty of compliance and social responsibility.Mohamed Alali preserves the sustainability of his business and the well-being of his employees by abiding by safety laws and standards, In conclusion, Mohamed Alali emphasizes the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) when inspectors visit construction sites in order to uphold his social responsibility and compliance obligation.In this instance, Mohamed Alali stresses the usage of personal protective equipment (PPE) when inspectors visit the construction sites since he understands how important it is to shield his employees from possible danger, Moreover, preserving a good reputation and averting legal repercussions depend on compliance.It is imperative that construction sites adhere to safety rules and norms in order to minimize accidents and injuries that may arise from exposure to numerous risks, including falls.hazards related to electricity and equipment use.In this case, Mohamed Alali understands how crucial it is to abide by safety laws and standards on building sites in order to save his employees from possible injury.Mohamed Alali shows his dedication to compliance by stressing the need of wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) when inspectors are around.In order to protect workers' safety and wellbeing, compliance is crucial since it lessens the possibility of mishaps and injuries brought on by exposure to risks on building sites.When ministry of labor inspectors visit building sites, Mohamed Alali makes sure his workers are wearing personal protective equipment (PPE).

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Mohamed Alali abides by his duty of compliance and social responsibility. The act of following the law, rules, and social conventions is called compliance. When ministry of labor inspectors visit building sites, Mohamed Alali makes sure his workers are wearing personal protective equipment (PPE). One of the most important social duties and obligations that people and organizations have to society is compliance. To protect others' safety and well-being, it entails abiding by laws, rules, and social standards. In this case, Mohamed Alali understands how crucial it is to abide by safety laws and standards on building sites in order to save his employees from possible injury.Mohamed Alali shows his dedication to compliance by stressing the need of wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) when inspectors are around. In order to protect workers' safety and wellbeing, compliance is crucial since it lessens the possibility of mishaps and injuries brought on by exposure to risks on building sites. Answer b: Mohamed Alali complies with his compliance obligations and social responsibilities in order to protect the health and safety of his employees. It is imperative that construction sites adhere to safety rules and norms in order to minimize accidents and injuries that may arise from exposure to numerous risks, including falls.hazards related to electricity and equipment use. Since compliance has an immediate impact on people's well-being as well as the well-being of the community, it is a fundamental component of social duty and obligation. In this instance, Mohamed Alali stresses the usage of personal protective equipment (PPE) when inspectors visit the construction sites since he understands how important it is to shield his employees from possible danger, Moreover, preserving a good reputation and averting legal repercussions depend on compliance. Fines, legal action, and reputational harm to the business may arise from breaking safety requirements. Mohamed Alali preserves the sustainability of his business and the well-being of his employees by abiding by safety laws and standards, In conclusion, Mohamed Alali emphasizes the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) when inspectors visit construction sites in order to uphold his social responsibility and compliance obligation. Ensuring worker safety and well-being, upholding a favorable reputation, and avoiding legal ramifications all depend on compliance.

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