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Does the obesity affect heart disease? Know with us on the relationship between obesity and heart disease in this article: What is the relationship between obesity and heart diseases to understand the relationship between obesity and heart diseases, as the following key points, which illustrate the relationship between the object of the obesity and heart disease: 1. Obesity may be obey levels of cholesterol in the sense that the injury can raise the bad cholesterol levels in the blood, and in return are reduced by good cholesterol levels. 2. Obesity may contribute to high blood pressure in the high demand for blood and oxygen to feed different parts of the body to the most burden of the body that the body is to move blood inside. 3. Way injuries may affect the metabolism process, which causes metabolic syndrome, which may raise the risk of heart disease. 4. Obesity of the risk of diabetes may increase all the previous factors that will raise the risk of diabetes, but you know that diabetes are raised from the risk of heart disease? In some cases, where different practical studies indicate that obesity and weight increase could be a major role in the high risk of heart disease and most important heart failure and coronary heart disease. If this means that obesity and heart disease links a court relationship, as the first raises the risk of heart disease directly and indirectly. What do we mean on oppressive? After we know about the relationship between obesity and heart disease, it is important to know what is we carefully obedient? Knowing obesity as a BMI base, which is equal to or more than 30 kg / square meters. The heart disease caused by obesity as we mentioned what obesity would raise the risk of heart disease, and most importantly, they are: 1. The hearts of the hearts are associated with the harvesting of the heart failure, as each unit increases in the body mass index is met 5% to failure of the heart failure of men, 7% of women, in times of harm, blood volume and blood quantity is in the body, which means increased in the work of the heart. This in turn causes an increase in the amount of blood that is always back to the heart, which may lead to heart inflation and increase the burden on his walls, and over time the heart is absorbed with the right of the pesticide of the left ventricle that would cause hearts. 2. The atrophy revolutionary health status is in the unemployment of heartbeat, where the stone carrings work in an inconsistent way during infection, leading to a decrease in the flow of blood circulation in the body and the risk of blood clotting, and it is worth mentioning that obesity may raise the risk of atrial fibrosis problem. 3. Crown heart disease produces about the low bloodshed to bloodshed to the heart muscle by the accumulation of plating and fat in vessels, and the wing of the wing and the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area are specifically reducing in the risk of hazardous heart habitation. 4. Stroke is injury when a blood flow is reduced to the brain, there are many risk factors that would cause such injuries, including obesity.

Original text

Does the obesity affect heart disease? Know with us on the relationship between obesity and heart disease in this article: What is the relationship between obesity and heart diseases to understand the relationship between obesity and heart diseases, as the following key points, which illustrate the relationship between the object of the obesity and heart disease: 1. Obesity may be obey levels of cholesterol in the sense that the injury can raise the bad cholesterol levels in the blood, and in return are reduced by good cholesterol levels. 2. Obesity may contribute to high blood pressure in the high demand for blood and oxygen to feed different parts of the body to the most burden of the body that the body is to move blood inside. 3. Way injuries may affect the metabolism process, which causes metabolic syndrome, which may raise the risk of heart disease. 4. Obesity of the risk of diabetes may increase all the previous factors that will raise the risk of diabetes, but you know that diabetes are raised from the risk of heart disease? In some cases, where different practical studies indicate that obesity and weight increase could be a major role in the high risk of heart disease and most important heart failure and coronary heart disease. If this means that obesity and heart disease links a court relationship, as the first raises the risk of heart disease directly and indirectly. What do we mean on oppressive? After we know about the relationship between obesity and heart disease, it is important to know what is we carefully obedient? Knowing obesity as a BMI base, which is equal to or more than 30 kg / square meters. The heart disease caused by obesity as we mentioned what obesity would raise the risk of heart disease, and most importantly, they are: 1. The hearts of the hearts are associated with the harvesting of the heart failure, as each unit increases in the body mass index is met 5% to failure of the heart failure of men, 7% of women, in times of harm, blood volume and blood quantity is in the body, which means increased in the work of the heart. This in turn causes an increase in the amount of blood that is always back to the heart, which may lead to heart inflation and increase the burden on his walls, and over time the heart is absorbed with the right of the pesticide of the left ventricle that would cause hearts. 2. The atrophy revolutionary health status is in the unemployment of heartbeat, where the stone carrings work in an inconsistent way during infection, leading to a decrease in the flow of blood circulation in the body and the risk of blood clotting, and it is worth mentioning that obesity may raise the risk of atrial fibrosis problem. 3. Crown heart disease produces about the low bloodshed to bloodshed to the heart muscle by the accumulation of plating and fat in vessels, and the wing of the wing and the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area are specifically reducing in the risk of hazardous heart habitation. 4. Stroke is injury when a blood flow is reduced to the brain, there are many risk factors that would cause such injuries, including obesity.

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