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Urine formation occurs during 3 processes:

1.Secretion: Fluid from a number of nephrons moves from the distal tubules to a common collecting duct which carries what can now be called urine to the renal pelvis.In the loope of Henle, the descending part responsible for the reabsorption of water, while the ascending part reabsorb Na* and Cl.

In the distal tubules, active transport is used to pull hydrogen ions, creatinine, and drugs such as penicillin out of the blood and into the filtrate.2.3.

Original text

Urine formation occurs during 3 processes:

  1. Filtration: During filtration, blood enters the afferent

arteriole and flows into the glomerulus where filterate blood components, such as water and nitrogenous waste, will move towards the inside of the glomerulus, and non filterable components, such as cells and serum albumins, will exit via the efferent arteriole. These filterable components accumulate in the glomerulus to form the glomerular filtrate.

  1. Reabsorption: Glucose, amino acids and sodium ions are reabsorbed by active transport, water by osmosis, and proteins by pinocytosis.

In the proximal tubules, glucose, water, amino acids and ions as Nat and Cl are reabsorbed to the surrounded capillaries.

In the loope of Henle, the descending part responsible for the reabsorption of water, while the ascending part reabsorb Na* and Cl.

In the distal tubules, active transport is used to pull hydrogen ions, creatinine, and drugs such as penicillin out of the blood and into the filtrate.

  1. Secretion: Fluid from a number of nephrons moves from the distal tubules to a common collecting duct which carries what can now be called urine to the renal pelvis.

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