خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة
Abortion PGE2 and PGF2?[79,80] The drug is now least preferred because of its serious toxicity such as cardiovascular collapse, chances of anaphylactic shock and pulmonary hypertension.[73,74] PGs or its derivatives in current practice are: Dinoprostone: It is a synthetic derivative of PGE2 which is administered vaginally for inducing abortion in the second trimester of pregnancy and for ripening of the cervix for induction of labour at full term.These prostaglandins are used for first and second-trimester abortion and appear to soften the cervix, before abortion, by increasing proteoglycan content and changing the collagen characteristics.Its plasma half-life is 2.5-5 min.
PGE2 and PGF2α and their analogues are used to
terminate pregnancy and to induce cervical ripening in
pregnancy. These prostaglandins are used for first and
second-trimester abortion and appear to soften the
cervix, before abortion, by increasing proteoglycan
content and changing the collagen characteristics.
PGs or its derivatives in current practice are:
Dinoprostone: It is a synthetic derivative of PGE2 which
is administered vaginally for inducing abortion in the
second trimester of pregnancy and for ripening of the
cervix for induction of labour at full term. Its plasma
half-life is 2.5-5 min. Its use for menstrual regulation or
for early abortions (1-2 weeks after the last menstrual
period) is usually avoided because of the chances of
prolonged vaginal bleeding and severe menstrual
Misoprostol: It is a PGE1 derivative which is given
orally for abortifacient purposes. It is used with
mifepristone to induce abortion in the first few weeks of
pregnancy. Vaginal, route of administration is associated
with increased incidence of sepsis.
Carboprost: It is a PGF2α derivative which is usually
administered by intra-amniotic injection for inducing
second-trimester abortions.
[79,80] The drug is now least
preferred because of its serious toxicity such as
cardiovascular collapse, chances of anaphylactic shock
and pulmonary hypertension.
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