
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (19%)

Develop a strategic plan for development:

It is the responsibility of the Executive Director to develop this task; where he develops a plan for the development of the institution and to determine the level that must be reached within a specific period of time of up to a minimum of five years.For example, if new individuals are employed, he must specify the special goal of this and urge the effort to choose the best candidates, and the department chooses to achieve this either active recruitment efforts that mean employing distinguished and strong candidates and employees who came from other companies, or negative recruitment efforts that depend on publishing an announcement of a vacancy, and another example in the event of reducing employment, this department may propose an attrition policy that encourages early retirement or layoff workers, and of course the department does not resort to the lay of workers only as a last resort to the company.

النص الأصلي

Develop a strategic plan for development:

It is the responsibility of the Executive Director to develop this task; where he develops a plan for the development of the institution and to determine the level that must be reached within a specific period of time of up to a minimum of five years. He also develops a collective approach aimed at identifying shortcomings, filling gaps and knowing the places of increase within the departments and talents that he seeks to include in the ranks of work within the company or organization, and after all this applies a system that maintains a balance in the career ladder.

For example, if new individuals are employed, he must specify the special goal of this and urge the effort to choose the best candidates, and the department chooses to achieve this either active recruitment efforts that mean employing distinguished and strong candidates and employees who came from other companies, or negative recruitment efforts that depend on publishing an announcement of a vacancy, and another example in the event of reducing employment, this department may propose an attrition policy that encourages early retirement or layoff workers, and of course the department does not resort to the lay of workers only as a last resort to the company.

  1. Analyze and design the company's developed functions:

The Human Resources Manager works to study and analyze the job places that need to be changed or restructured in all departments of the company, by studying the duties and tasks performed by employees and conducting interviews to learn how employees perform these tasks. He also designs the appropriate job description professionally for the administrative professional to determine the responsibilities, tasks and salaries appropriate to the quantity of duties and the nature of the work.

The process of analyzing the job is not as easy as it is rumored; on the contrary, it is a very difficult process, because it needs distinctive minds, programs and scientific theories to finally come up with a process capable of organizing the appropriate development of the required jobs.

  1. Wakefulness and commercial discernment:

The HR department manager and other employees in this department should be vigilant when dealing with the company's business matters, and be aware of all the changes that help to make the desired profit and reach the specified numbers.

They must also be aware of the possibility of providing funds for the company by dispensing with a group of employees in certain places where their presence is not important; where their jobs can be combined with other jobs without affecting the quality of their performance of their work, and they must also propose and create new jobs to meet the new needs of the company, and there is no harm in spending some money on training programs because this will achieve profit later and improve work and productivity.

The manager of this department must be acume and flexible when dealing with disciplinary penalties, so he does not lose competencies as a result of unfair penalties. This department is also responsible for determining his position on the sexual harassment that employees may be subjected to and cause them to leave their work, and this may cause the company financial problems, and he expresses this position through permanent information sessions, and the department must not forget to conduct the necessary tests for candidates before receiving their jobs to determine the truth of their health situation and to protect the company from later claims regarding negligence during recruitment.

  1. Possessing the skill of employment:

The Human Resources Department was called the Recruitment Affairs Department in the past; because it was responsible for everything related to employees, and with the recent development of scientific research organizations and institutions, this name is no longer suitable for the tasks performed by this department, it no longer focuses only on the systems for employee management; but its greater focus is on managing a strategy for employees to achieve business goals and establish an integration between its policies, practices and work strategies within the organization.

This department is now also responsible for researching competencies for recruitment after conducting the necessary interviews, selecting and recruiting competent candidates and assisting executives with the right choice.

Specialists in this section must also specify the place where a particular vacancy is marketed, and they must be fully and comprehensively aware of every change that occurs in the labor law; where the majority of sections refer to the human resources department for consultation on matters related to employment, termination or penalties related to laws, it must be ready to provide assistance.

  1. Supporting the career growth of the organization:

The growth program provides the necessary assistance and training to achieve the required career development, thus providing the company with high salaries to employees with experience, because these programs will provide the necessary training for employees through different classes and various programs that are offered to serve the career path.

Of course, flexible and appropriate schedules must be established for the work of employees so that they can attend inside the classroom in order to obtain the required training to acquire the necessary skills and experience necessary for the best workflow.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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