
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (44%)

Drug delivery methods that use the bioadhesion of specific water soluble polymers that
become adhesive upon hydration are known as mucoadhesive drug delivery systems.
methods can be used to target a drug to a specific area of the body for an extended period of
Due to the presystemic metabolism of some therapeutic agents or their instability in the
acidic environment associated with oral administration, transmucosal therapeutic agent
delivery has attracted considerable attention since the early 1980s.(Salamat et al., 2005)
Candidiasis, also known as yeast infection or thrush, is a common condition that affects the
mouth's mucous membranes.
Baby mouth candidiasis is referred to as oral thrush, whereas
adult mouth or throat candidiasis is a fungal infection (mycosis) of any of the Candida
species, with Candida albicans being the most common.
Thus, the term "candidiasis" refers to
a variety of infections, from minor ones like vaginitis and oral thrush to more serious ones
like systemic and potentially fatal illnesses. The second category of Candida infections, also
known as candidemia, typically affects people with severely weakened immune systems,
such as cancer, transplant, and AIDS patients, whereas superficial Candida infections of the
skin and mucous membranes, which result in localised inflammation and discomfort, are
widespread in many human populations.(Sangeorzan et al., 1994) Unless associated risk
factors are treated or eliminated, untreated candidiasis typically lasts for months or years in
most patients. Oropharyngeal candidiasis usually spontaneously resolves in newborns who
are not immunosuppressed after 3 to 8 weeks(Dangi et al., 2010).
Miconazole nitrate is drug used for the management of topical and systemic fungal
infections such as oral candidiasis(Jug and Bećirević-Laćan., 2004). Miconazole nitrate has
a long plasma half-life of about 24 hrs and a low oral bioavailability. Therefore, the oral
method is not much more efficient. As a result, the formulation is created as a bioadhesive
tablet that reversibly adheres to the oral mucosa and releases miconazole nitrate while
adhesion is taking place. The development of direct compression tablets has allowed for the
creation of buccal mucoadhesive delivery systems.(Munasur et .al. 2006)

النص الأصلي

Drug delivery methods that use the bioadhesion of specific water soluble polymers that
become adhesive upon hydration are known as mucoadhesive drug delivery systems. These
methods can be used to target a drug to a specific area of the body for an extended period of
time. Due to the presystemic metabolism of some therapeutic agents or their instability in the
acidic environment associated with oral administration, transmucosal therapeutic agent
delivery has attracted considerable attention since the early 1980s.(Salamat et al., 2005)
Candidiasis, also known as yeast infection or thrush, is a common condition that affects the
mouth's mucous membranes. Baby mouth candidiasis is referred to as oral thrush, whereas
adult mouth or throat candidiasis is a fungal infection (mycosis) of any of the Candida
species, with Candida albicans being the most common. Thus, the term "candidiasis" refers to
a variety of infections, from minor ones like vaginitis and oral thrush to more serious ones
like systemic and potentially fatal illnesses. The second category of Candida infections, also
known as candidemia, typically affects people with severely weakened immune systems,
such as cancer, transplant, and AIDS patients, whereas superficial Candida infections of the
skin and mucous membranes, which result in localised inflammation and discomfort, are
widespread in many human populations.(Sangeorzan et al., 1994) Unless associated risk
factors are treated or eliminated, untreated candidiasis typically lasts for months or years in
most patients. Oropharyngeal candidiasis usually spontaneously resolves in newborns who
are not immunosuppressed after 3 to 8 weeks(Dangi et al., 2010).
Miconazole nitrate is drug used for the management of topical and systemic fungal
infections such as oral candidiasis(Jug and Bećirević-Laćan., 2004). Miconazole nitrate has
a long plasma half-life of about 24 hrs and a low oral bioavailability. Therefore, the oral
method is not much more efficient. As a result, the formulation is created as a bioadhesive
tablet that reversibly adheres to the oral mucosa and releases miconazole nitrate while
adhesion is taking place. The development of direct compression tablets has allowed for the
creation of buccal mucoadhesive delivery systems.(Munasur et .al. 2006)

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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