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The CEO updated the Board on the matter.Mr. foster is in desperate need of the animals and he is suggesting that it is something the BAS can facilitate again, but in addition to that there are some other farmers who had indicated interest in the importation of animals who was not involved in the previous importation.He is requesting permission to proceed again with the same arrangement, the same deposits and the same security safeguard being offered by the Central Bank in terms of ensuring the loan is appropriately underwritten.He noted base on the balances that are available the loan will be paid off.

Original text

The CEO updated the Board on the matter. He suggested that the PHD should be written asking them to cease the deduction from the members pay cheques for December. He noted base on the balances that are available the loan will be paid off. He noted there is still one more rebate amount to be received from the Ministry of Agriculture approximately 40,000.00.

He further noted that Mr. Foster is very much interested in getting another shipment of 	animals, the value is around 300,000.00 in terms of the total value.  He had spoken to the 	bank  and the Central Bank facility is still there which will underwrite the cost of the 	loan.  Mr. foster is in desperate need of the animals and he is suggesting that it is 	something  the BAS can facilitate again, but in addition to that there are some other 	farmers  who had indicated interest in the importation of animals who was not involved 	in the previous importation.

He noted he was trying to get the figure from the PHD but they are a bit slow in responding to the request. He is requesting permission to proceed again with the same arrangement, the same deposits and the same security safeguard being offered by the Central Bank in terms of ensuring the loan is appropriately underwritten.

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