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Ismail, an American sailor, goes with a group of sailors, whalers, on a fishing trip on board a ship equipped with some small boats, under the command of Captain Ahab, to track down a white whale called Moby Dick.Ismail escapes by means of a coffin box that one of the whalers had prepared for himself, as this coffin becomes a lifeboat for Ismail, and the floating Ismail struggles until it is picked up by a passing ship

Original text

Ismail, an American sailor, goes with a group of sailors, whalers, on a fishing trip on board a ship equipped with some small boats, under the command of Captain Ahab, to track down a white whale called Moby Dick.
And Captain Ahab is one of the victims of the whale Moby Dick, as he had lost his leg on a previous fishing trip due to a bite from Moby Dick, and since then he has become insanely determined to hunt Moby Dick and take revenge on him. The sailors work under Ahab, who promises a valuable gift to the first sailor who can see Moby Dick
The Pequod ship continues to sail, and after a long suffering, Moby Dick is observed and chased for three full days, during which Moby Dick succeeds in escaping from them. The ship's crew wrestles with Moby Dick and gets closer to him, but Moby Dick miraculously escapes and attacks the ship In the end, Moby Dick swoops down on the ship, smashes it, sinks it, and kills all the crew members, one after the other, except for one person, Ismail, in whose name the novel takes place. Ismail escapes by means of a coffin box that one of the whalers had prepared for himself, as this coffin becomes a lifeboat for Ismail, and the floating Ismail struggles until it is picked up by a passing ship

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