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when people are faced with a foreign language barrier, the usual way around it is to find someone who speaks both languages to translate for them. Translation involves rephrasing a mes- sage expressed in one language (the source lan- guage) into another language (the target language). The term translation is often used in a broad sense to refer to any way in which a fragment of source language can be turned into the analogous target language fragment, irrespective of input and output modality. To distinguish explicitly between differ- ent types of translation, in this chapter the term is generally used in its narrow sense. It then refers to text-to-text translation and contrasts with inter- preting, which typically involves the verbal re- phrasing of a source language utterance into target language utterance. From a cognitive per- spective, it is important to distinguish between translation and interpreting because they are likely to engage different cognitive processes (De Groot, 1997, 2000; Gile, 1997). If we are to understand fully how this task bilingualism, discourse processing, memory, atten- ideally all be taken into account (De Groot, 2000).

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when people are faced with a foreign language barrier, the usual way around it is to find someone who speaks both languages to translate for them. Translation involves rephrasing a mes- sage expressed in one language (the source lan- guage) into another language (the target language). The term translation is often used in a broad sense to refer to any way in which a fragment of source language can be turned into the analogous target language fragment, irrespective of input and output modality. To distinguish explicitly between differ- ent types of translation, in this chapter the term is generally used in its narrow sense. It then refers to text-to-text translation and contrasts with inter- preting, which typically involves the verbal re- phrasing of a source language utterance into target language utterance. From a cognitive per- spective, it is important to distinguish between translation and interpreting because they are likely to engage different cognitive processes (De Groot, 1997, 2000; Gile, 1997). If we are to understand fully how this task bilingualism, discourse processing, memory, atten- ideally all be taken into account (De Groot, 2000).

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