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Rainbow sat against the wall with her eyes closed, wearing her black leather jacket with the collar turned up. She was nodding over, bending at the waist, her tangled blond hair falling into her lap.We were wearing coats we found on the fence outside St. Marks Church, but we surely had no hats or gloves."She ain't sleepy," I answered."Listen, girl," 2Moro said, "I'm fifteen and you sure ain't no older than me. Tell the truth.Her breath 5 was cloudy.2Moro asked.Tears lifted her shoulders and let them drop."Sixteen."

Original text

Rainbow sat against the wall with her eyes closed, wearing her black leather jacket with the collar turned up. She was nodding over, bending at the waist, her tangled blond hair falling into her lap. "Why don't she just go to sleep?" Tears asked. Her breath 5 was cloudy. We were wearing coats we found on the fence outside St. Marks Church, but we surely had no hats or gloves. "She ain't sleepy," I answered. "She can hardly keep her eyes open." It was hard to believe Tears was so innocent. "How old are you, really?" 2Moro asked. "Sixteen." "How come you run away every time the cops come around?" "I don't know." Tears lifted her shoulders and let them drop. Under the dirt her pale skin looked smooth and soft. "Listen, girl," 2Moro said, "I'm fifteen and you sure ain't no older than me. Tell the truth. What you afraid of?" "Okay, I'm fourteen," Tears said. "What year were you born?" "Uh ...' If you're gonna lie, babe, you gotta be faster than that," Rainbow said without lifting her head. She did that all the time

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