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riboflavin, vitamin A, and vitamin C Having a nutritious breakfast in a timely manner is a significant supporter of a positive attitude and good health.Many studies on younger students in the Arabian Gulf countries accounted for helpless dietary customs such as quitting the meal in the morning (breakfast), a minimal drink of milk, products of the soil, and a high admission of carbonated drinks, desserts, and fast food (Qotba and Al-Isa, 2007; Bin Zaal et al., 2009; Washi and El-Hazmi and Warsy, 2001; Musaiger et al., 2011; Ageib, 2010).Generally speaking, studies in the Arabian Gulf countries have revealed an increased use of food sources high in fats and calories among a variety of media, resulting in an Obesity and its co-morbidities are at an increased risk (Musaiger, 2004).(Nasreddine et al., 2008; El-Qudah, 2008)., 2005; Popkin et al., 2005).Objectives and rationale:

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riboflavin, vitamin A, and vitamin C Having a nutritious breakfast in a timely manner is a significant supporter of a positive attitude and good health. Numerous studies have found a strong link between skipping breakfast and stress, a cold, a serious illness, and a high BMI among teenagers (Keski-Rahkonen et al., 2003; Berkey et al., 2003; Smith, 2003; Kumar et al., 2004). Students away from home at college develop bad eating habits, demonstrating a rapid shift away from traditional eating habits as well as a bad way of life toward globalized conducts. (Nasreddine et al., 2008; El-Qudah, 2008)., 2005; Popkin et al., 2005). According to studies, fast food consumption among undergrads is increasing (Bodur et al., 2010; Musaiger et al., 2011; Tayyem et al., 2008). This can be attributed to a variety of factors, including spending a lot of time with friends, being away from home for a long time, the stress of exams, the availability of fast food outlets and the limited selection of different food varieties in colleges, as well as the influence of mass media (Pei-Lin, 2004). According to studies conducted among students in the United States (Story et al., 2002) and Europe (Rolland-Cachera et al., 2000), teenagers' food choices are inconsistent with dietary guidelines, and their consumption of organic products, such as vegetables and fruits, will be minimal., as well as calcium-rich foods that are high in fat. Many studies on younger students in the Arabian Gulf countries accounted for helpless dietary customs such as quitting the meal in the morning (breakfast), a minimal drink of milk, products of the soil, and a high admission of carbonated drinks, desserts, and fast food (Qotba and Al-Isa, 2007; Bin Zaal et al., 2009; Washi and El-Hazmi and Warsy, 2001; Musaiger et al., 2011; Ageib, 2010). Generally speaking, studies in the Arabian Gulf countries have revealed an increased use of food sources high in fats and calories among a variety of media, resulting in an Obesity and its co-morbidities are at an increased risk (Musaiger, 2004).
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