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Termination Communicative strategy emds the interaction through verbal and non verbal messages that both speaker and listener send to each other.The use of communicative strategies is the hallmark of communicative competence.Being able to use such strategies makes certain not only the achievement of the speech purpose but also the enrichment of the communication experience for both speaker and listener.ermination is one of communication strategies that provide the use of verbal and non-verbal cues to signal an end to an interaction.Prolonged clarificatory statements
2.Some examples of termination are the following:

Original text

Termination Communicative strategy emds the interaction through verbal and non verbal messages that both speaker and listener send to each other. Sometimes the termination is quick and short. Sometimes it is prolonged by clarifications, further questions, or the continuation of the topic already discussed, but the point of language and body movement is to end the communication.
The use of communicative strategies is the hallmark of communicative competence. Being able to use such strategies makes certain not only the achievement of the speech purpose but also the enrichment of the communication experience for both speaker and listener. more than making interaction possible, communicative strategies when used by the speaker ( and sometimes the listener ) allow for the adjustment of the message and its delivery. Of course,such strategies are employed within specific speech contexts using a combination of speech styles and speech acts.

Termination - using verbal and nonverbal signals to end the interaction.

ermination is one of communication strategies that provide the use of verbal and non-verbal cues to signal an end to an interaction. Some examples of termination are the following:

  1. Prolonged clarificatory statements

  2. Further questions

  3. Continuation of topic already discussed

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