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Asthma is a common occurrence, with up to 10% worldwide, meaning that there are about 750 million people with asthma.* Excess secretion of mucus secreted by cells on the wall of air passages.Is the identification of certain allergenic agents, where these antibodies adhere, and accumulate in environmentally exposed tissues such as the respiratory mucous membranes, and when the patient is exposed to it again, the asthma crisis The air passages are: -
* Contraction of the muscle group surrounding the air passages.Asthma begins with bronchitis with inflammation and hypersensitivity, where it narrows and makes breathing difficult.* Inflated wall of air passages.

Original text

Asthma is a common occurrence, with up to 10% worldwide, meaning that there are about 750 million people with asthma. In some estimates. Asthma begins with bronchitis with inflammation and hypersensitivity, where it narrows and makes breathing difficult. Is the identification of certain allergenic agents, where these antibodies adhere, and accumulate in environmentally exposed tissues such as the respiratory mucous membranes, and when the patient is exposed to it again, the asthma crisis The air passages are: -

  • Contraction of the muscle group surrounding the air passages. * Inflated wall of air passages. * Excess secretion of mucus secreted by cells on the wall of air passages. * In all of the above, there is a tightness in the air passing through the airways, especially during exhalation,

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