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This study aims to explore the reality of the culture of practicing sports among women in Algerian society through a field study in the city of Constantine.We also identified the most important cultural and social factors that affect the culture of practicing sports among women in Algerian society, namely the prevailing values about women's bodies, customs, and traditions, and society's negative perception of the importance of women practicing sports..Keywords: sports; culture; Algerian society; women..

Original text

This study aims to explore the reality of the culture of practicing sports among women in Algerian society through a field study in the city of Constantine. The study was applied to a sample of women of different ages and socio-economic ackgrounds, and we adopted a set of research methods, the most important of which is the semi-structured interview and verbal logical content analysis, and we came to identify the most important sports practiced by women in our society, which are aerobics, Zumba, swimming, hiking, gymnastics, and basketball.
We also identified the most important cultural and social factors that affect the culture of practicing sports among women in Algerian society, namely the prevailing values about women's bodies, customs, and traditions, and society's negative perception of the importance of women practicing sports.
As for the most important reasons that push women to practice sports, we find: fitness and beauty, getting rid of obesity, relieving stress and tension, in addition to some diseases that require exercise.

.Keywords: sports; culture; Algerian society; women.

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