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The impact of social class on health
1) Poverty e.g. not enough money to buy proper food, being forced to live in poor quality housing in unhealthy or high crime areas. 2) Lower-class people are less well-educated and
have less knowledge of healthy lifestyles.o Thus, we conclude that good health depends on more than just access to medical services.3) Class differences in health-related behaviour.5) More stressful lives of lower-class people. 4) More dangerous jobs for lower-class people.

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The impact of social class on health

  1. Poverty e.g. not enough money to buy proper food, being forced to live in poor quality housing in unhealthy or high crime areas.

  2. Lower-class people are less well-educated and
       have less knowledge of healthy lifestyles.

  3. Class differences in health-related behaviour.

  4. More dangerous jobs for lower-class people.

  5. More stressful lives of lower-class people.

Social Class and Health

A low social class position can harm health.
But, poor health can also lead to a fall in social class position (the “Downward Drift” hypothesis)
e.g. people who become alcoholics or drug addicts, people who cannot work because of bad health, etc can fall into poverty

Can equal access to medical services eliminate the social class gradient?

In 1947-48, the British Government established the NHS (National Health Service), and made access to medical services equal for all social classes.
• However, the social class gradient continues to persist in Britain (documented by the “Black Report”).
• Thus, we conclude that good health depends on more than just access to medical services.

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