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Nowadays, Television has become popular with many undeniable advantages.Also, if you are a student and you want to be well-prepared for the coming entrance exam to university, pick up the remote control and switch to educational channel
Furthermore, through programs on TV, people can learn many practical skills to communicate with each other.After a long working-day, tired from all the stuff you've done, you only need to stay at home lying on the sofa to enjoy interesting films of all kinds, from action, horror, to romantic films and so on. This helps you fell at ease and escape your tensions.Therefore, people can draw their own lessons from those cases.

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Nowadays, Television has become popular with many undeniable advantages. With a TV, you can easily gain extensive knowledge in all areas. If you want to get some information about anything around the world, just turn on your TV and open any channel. Also, if you are a student and you want to be well-prepared for the coming entrance exam to university, pick up the remote control and switch to educational channel
Furthermore, through programs on TV, people can learn many practical skills to communicate with each other. The TV programs often stimulate cases happening in all aspects of real life. Therefore, people can draw their own lessons from those cases. For example, from movies shown on TV, people could come to know how to behave in certain cases then, apply that in their real lives to solve their own issues. Also, TV brings a huge source of entertainment, making people's lives more enjoyable. After a long working-day, tired from all the stuff you've done, you only need to stay at home lying on the sofa to enjoy interesting films of all kinds, from action, horror, to romantic films and so on. This helps you fell at ease and escape your tensions. In general, TV has clearly become an essential part in human life
On the other hand, TV brings with it serious problems

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