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Natural killer (NK) cells are classically associated with immune surveillance and destruction of tumor cells.Consistent with this finding, NK cells cultured under hypoxia demonstrated limited cytotoxicity capacity, but augmented production of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF).Gene expression analysis revealed that angiogenic and inflammatory genes were significantly increased for RCC TiNK versus RCC pNK populations, with enrichment of genes in the hypoxia inducible factor (HIF) 1?NK cells with non-classical phenotypes (CD56+CD16dim/neg; termed decidua NK (dNK) cells) accumulate at the maternal-fetal interface during embryo implantation.As similarities between embryo implantation and tumor growth exist, we tested the hypothesis that an analogous shift in NK cell phenotype and function occurs in RCC tumors.pathway.

Original text

Natural killer (NK) cells are classically associated with immune surveillance and destruction of tumor cells. Inconsistent with this function, NK cells are found in advanced human tumors including renal cell carcinoma (RCC). NK cells with non-classical phenotypes (CD56+CD16dim/neg; termed decidua NK (dNK) cells) accumulate at the maternal-fetal interface during embryo implantation. These dNK cells are poorly cytotoxic, proangiogenic, and facilitate placenta development. As similarities between embryo implantation and tumor growth exist, we tested the hypothesis that an analogous shift in NK cell phenotype and function occurs in RCC tumors. Our results show that peripheral NK (pNK) cells of RCC patients were uniformly CD56+CD16bright, but lacked full cytotoxic ability. By comparison, RCC tumor-infiltrated NK (TiNK) cells were significantly enriched for CD56+CD16dim-neg cells, a phenotype of dNK cells. Gene expression analysis revealed that angiogenic and inflammatory genes were significantly increased for RCC TiNK versus RCC pNK populations, with enrichment of genes in the hypoxia inducible factor (HIF) 1α pathway. Consistent with this finding, NK cells cultured under hypoxia demonstrated limited cytotoxicity capacity, but augmented production of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Finally, comparison of gene expression data for RCC TiNK and dNK cells revealed a shared transcriptional signature of genes with known roles in angiogenesis and immunosuppression. These studies confirm conversion of pNK cells to a dNK-like phenotype in RCC tumors. These characteristics are conceivably beneficial for placentation, but likely exploited to support early tumor growth and promote metastasis

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