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Jordan has a very rich cultural heritage thanks to the support of the Department of
Culture and the Arts, which was founded in 1966 CE. Since then, the department
has built up an exciting, ongoing programme of cultural activities related to all the
arts: music, visual arts, performing arts and the written word.Realising the value of art and culture, Jordan decided to offer Jordanians and the
world an annual arts festival.RAMI ALHAJ 0788600389
Every year, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) chooses a different Arab city as the Arab Cultural Capital.In 1979 CE, the Royal Society of Fine Arts (RSFA) was established to promote
visual arts in Jordan and other countries in the region.The collection includes over 2,000 works of art, including
paintings, sculptures, photographs, installations, textiles and ceramics, by more
than 800 artists from 59 countries.However,
thanks to PROTA (the Project of Translation from Arabic), many Jordanian plays,
novels, short stories and poems are now translated into English, and people all over
the world are able to read and appreciate them.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0300?.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.?????0393 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.???????????????????2111 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????011 ??????93 ???.??????2109??????????????????????????????????"????? ???? ?? ???? ??????? ???????."????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.???????????????? )?????????????????????( ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.?????????????????????????? ) ???????????????????????????????( ????????????????????????????????????.??????2102?????????????????.??????????????????????????????.??????????????????????????????0300??????????????????????????????????????????????????.?????0309???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.??????0300????????????????????????????.?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.

Original text

Jordan has a very rich cultural heritage thanks to the support of the Department of
Culture and the Arts, which was founded in 1966 CE. Since then, the department
has built up an exciting, ongoing programme of cultural activities related to all the
arts: music, visual arts, performing arts and the written word.
يمتلك األردن ميراث ثقافي غني ويعود الشكر لدعم دائرة الثقافة والفنون واللتي أسست عام 0300م. ومنذ
ذلك الوقت فقد اوجدت الدائرة برنامج مثير ومستمر للنشاطات الثقافية المتعلقة بجميع نشاطات الألدب مثل
المووسيقى والفنون المرئية والتمثيل والكلمة الكتوبة.
In 1979 CE, the Royal Society of Fine Arts (RSFA) was established to promote
visual arts in Jordan and other countries in the region. It has links with major art
galleries around the world in order to encourage artists from different cultures to
learn from each other.
في عام 0393 م أسست الجمعية الملكية للفنون الجميلة لترتقي بالفنون البصرية في األردن والدول األخرى
في المنطقة. ولديها اتصاالت مع المعارض الفنية الرئيسية من حول العالم لكي تشجع الفنانين من ثقافات
مختلفة للتعلم من بعضهم.
The Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts is one of the most important art museums
in the Middle East. The collection includes over 2,000 works of art, including
paintings, sculptures, photographs, installations, textiles and ceramics, by more
than 800 artists from 59 countries. In 2013 CE, it held Jordan‘s largest art
exhibition called ‘70Years of Contemporary Jordanian Art.‘
ويعتبر المعرض الوطني األردني للفنون الجميلة من اهم المتاحف الفنية في الشرق األوسط. وتتضمن
مجموعته اكثر من 2111 قطعة فنية منها لوحات و تماثيل وصور وتركيبات وقماش وخزفيات من انتاج
اكثر من 011 فنان من 93 بلد. وفي عام 2109م استضاف اكبر معرض فني في األردن وكان اسمه
"سبعون عاما من الفن األردني المعاصر."
Until the 1990s, most Jordanian literature was only available in Arabic. However,
thanks to PROTA (the Project of Translation from Arabic), many Jordanian plays,
novels, short stories and poems are now translated into English, and people all over
the world are able to read and appreciate them.
حتى فترة التسعينات معظم األدب األردني كان يتوفر فقط باللغة العربية. ولكن والشكر ل بروتا )مشروع
الترجمة من العربية( الكثير من المسرحيات والروايات والقصص القصيرة والقصائد األردنية ترجمت الى
اللغة األنجليزية واصبح بأمكان الناس من حول العالم قرائتها واألشادة بها.
RAMI ALHAJ 0788600389
Every year, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) chooses a different Arab city as the Arab Cultural Capital. In 2002 CE,
the city of Amman was awarded this title.
وفي كل عام تختار منظمة اليونسكو ) منظمة األمم المتحدة للعلوم والثقافة( مدينة عربية مختلفة كعاصمة
للثقافة العربية. وفي عام 2102م منحت عمان هذا اللقب.
Jordan has a centuries-old musical heritage. The National Music Conservatory
(NMC) opened in 1986 CE, making it possible for more Jordanian students to
study music seriously.
ويملك األردن ميراث موسيقي لقرون عدة. وافتتح المعهد الموسيقي األردني عام 0300م ومكن العديد من
الطلبة األردنيين من دراسة الموسيقئ بشكل جاد.
In 1987 CE, the National Centre for Culture and Arts was created, which show
cases theatre and dance in Jordan and in the region.
في عام 0309م انشأ المركز الوطني للثقافة والفنون واللذي عرض المسرح والرقص األردني والمناطق

Realising the value of art and culture, Jordan decided to offer Jordanians and the
world an annual arts festival. In 1981 CE, the Jerash Festival for Culture and Arts
was founded. This three-week- long summer programme is one of the largest
cultural activities in the region. It takes place in the important archaeological site
of Jerash, which underlines the close relationship between the arts and Jordan‘s
cultural history.
وتقديرا لقيمة الفن والثقافة قرر األردن تقديم المهرجانات السنوية للفن لالردنيين وللعالم. وفي عام 0300م
اوجد مهرجان جرش للثفافة والفنون. وهذا البرنامج الصيفي اللذي يمتد لثالثة اسابيع هو احد اضخم
النشاطات الثقافية في المنطقة. ويقام في الموقع األثري اللذي يؤكد على العالقة بين الفن وتاريخ الثقافة

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