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What are the differences between first and second language acquisition?Many thanks to Ellen Richardson, a ELL teacher at Abraham Lincoln Middle School in Lancaster, PA for advice on this blog post.In addition to the similarities noted above, there are a number of significant differences in the stages of language acquisition for ELLs.They are likely to learn grammar and pronunciation more efficiently, but have more problems with retention and vocabulary than younger ELL.However, for many ELLs, this can be mentally and emotionally exhausting, so they repeatedly submerge themselves in active listening.CHECK OUT OUR WIDE VARIETY OF ESL , ELD, AND ELL INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS FOR GRADES K-12.In addition to the similarities mentioned above, there are a number of significant differences in the stages of language acquisition for ELLs.ELLs have already established a foundation for language acquisition, whereas first language learners do not.IMMERSION LEVEL
The level of immersion has a significant impact on the stages of language acquisition for ELLs.Learning in the classroom, at home, and out in the world is the best way for ELLs to achieve near-native fluency.ELLs have already established a foundation for language acquisition, whereas first language learners do not.It is of utmost importance that teachers understand these differences and their implications for learning.Patience, compassion, and focusing on your students' strengths rather than their weaknesses create a positive learning environment for ELLs.Factors that affect the
Stages of language acquisition for ELLs.However, ELLs face unique challenges that native speakers do not.Here are some of the most important factors that affect the timing and stages of language acquisition for ELLs.For older learners in particular, speaking and writing exclusively in a classroom can limit their ability to speak fluently.Fluency in the native language can both help and hinder children's ability to learn a second language.Depending on the native language, grammatical structure may be completely different.In these cases, students may make more grammatical errors than students whose native language is more similar to English.In first language acquisition, these errors are not as noticeable because children do not yet have a foundation for the language in their heads.AGE
Age is an important factor in how quickly ELLs learn and when they can become fluent.INTERESTED IN MORE ELL-FOCUSED CONTENT FROM CONTINENTAL?For ELLs, that time shrinks to just twelve months.

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What are the differences between first and second language acquisition?
In addition to the similarities noted above, there are a number of significant differences in the stages of language acquisition for ELLs. It is of utmost importance that teachers understand these differences and their implications for learning.

ELLs have already established a foundation for language acquisition, whereas first language learners do not. This means that ELLs are likely to learn to speak, read, and write more quickly if they have already mastered these skills in their first language.
Fluency in the native language can both help and hinder children's ability to learn a second language. Depending on the native language, grammatical structure may be completely different. In these cases, students may make more grammatical errors than students whose native language is more similar to English. In first language acquisition, these errors are not as noticeable because children do not yet have a foundation for the language in their heads.
ELLs are also expected to learn their second language much faster than their first. In first language acquisition, children have nearly twenty-four months before they can speak two sets of words. For ELLs, that time shrinks to just twelve months.

For many students, especially those adjusting to a new home in a new country, twelve months is simply not enough time to digest and understand an entirely new language. Patience, compassion, and focusing on your students' strengths rather than their weaknesses create a positive learning environment for ELLs.
Factors that affect the
Stages of language acquisition for ELLs.
So how do students develop the ability to master a new language? Can they learn at any age and in any environment? The bottom line is that any student can learn English over time with the right tools. However, ELLs face unique challenges that native speakers do not. Here are some of the most important factors that affect the timing and stages of language acquisition for ELLs.

Age is an important factor in how quickly ELLs learn and when they can become fluent. Learning a second language early, while the brain is still actively making connections, can help students learn faster. However, older ELLs have the advantage of understanding grammar and how the language works. They are likely to learn grammar and pronunciation more efficiently, but have more problems with retention and vocabulary than younger ELL.

The level of immersion has a significant impact on the stages of language acquisition for ELLs. Students who have the opportunity to speak English not only at school but also at home tend to learn more efficiently than those who speak English only at school.

This can have an impact primarily on speaking rather than listening and comprehension. Almost all ELLs will listen to English for six or seven hours each school day. However, for many ELLs, this can be mentally and emotionally exhausting, so they repeatedly submerge themselves in active listening. In addition, they may only spend an hour actively speaking and conversing. In these cases, speaking English in a comfortable environment at home (on a manageable scale) is critical to language acquisition.

In addition to immersion level, the environment in which ELLs learn is also important to their long-term language acquisition. For older learners in particular, speaking and writing exclusively in a classroom can limit their ability to speak fluently.

Imagine a world where you would learn English only in a semi-formal classroom. You would probably never learn slang, jokes, or colloquialisms. You would miss the subtleties of the language such as timing and inflexion. Learning in the classroom, at home, and out in the world is the best way for ELLs to achieve near-native fluency.

Many thanks to Ellen Richardson, a ELL teacher at Abraham Lincoln Middle School in Lancaster, PA for advice on this blog post.

What are the differences between first and second language acquisition?
In addition to the similarities mentioned above, there are a number of significant differences in the stages of language acquisition for ELLs. It is critical that teachers understand these differences and how they impact learning.

ELLs have already established a foundation for language acquisition, whereas first language learners do not. This means that ELLs are likely to learn to speak, read, and write faster if they have already mastered these skills in their first language.
Fluency in the native language can both help and hinder children's ability to learn a second language. Depending on the native language, grammatical structure may be completely different. In these cases, students may make more grammatical errors than students whose native language is more similar to English. When

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