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A 54 years male patient got admitted in a private hospital with a chief complaint of swelling bulging of veins in the lower limbs [Figures 1-3].On color Doppler ultrasound scan(this test provides color images of the structure of veins and identify any abnormalities, it can also measure the speed of blood flow) it shows venous stasis (decreased in blood flow through vein) and small clots in the veins of left and right lower ankle and foot.On Doppler test, an ultrasound scan to check the direction of blood flow in veins, checks for blood clots and obstructions in veins.Initially he visited ayurvedic physician where he prescribed an ayurvedic medication (chandana tilam).On further inquiry he also describes restlessness, occasional cramping bilaterally, feeling tired and heavy at the end of day.The patient has undergone an endovenous laser therapy (EVLT).

Original text

A 54 years male patient got admitted in a private hospital with a chief complaint of swelling bulging of veins in the lower limbs [Figures 1-3]. He had started noticing lower extremity swelling about 5 years ago and then for 1 year has been plagued with progressive leg pain. Initially he visited ayurvedic physician where he prescribed an ayurvedic medication (chandana tilam). They had been diagnosed with low blood pressure for which he is on medication (vertin 8 mg tablets). The patient has undergone the surgery for humorous facture 6 months back. He is not aware of any family history of similar problem or any vein disorders. Personal history states that he is a smoker and occasional alcoholic, his sleep and appetite are normal. On further inquiry he also describes restlessness, occasional cramping bilaterally, feeling tired and heavy at the end of day. As a pharmacist the patient works full time standing for extended periods of time in his practice. On physical examination, his lower extremity symptoms include a bulging viscosity on his left and right lower legs associated with achiness. On investigation, hemoglobin on lower side (8.6 gm/dl) for which patient underwent transfusions and hemoglobin improved over a period of 10 days (12.5 gm/dl). On Doppler test, an ultrasound scan to check the direction of blood flow in veins, checks for blood clots and obstructions in veins. He was diagnosed with abnormal blood flow in lower limbs. On color Doppler ultrasound scan(this test provides color images of the structure of veins and identify any abnormalities, it can also measure the speed of blood flow) it shows venous stasis (decreased in blood flow through vein) and small clots in the veins of left and right lower ankle and foot. The patient has undergone an endovenous laser therapy (EVLT).

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