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In developing countries, children usually undergo from
underfeeding while being weaned, partly due to inadequate or
inappropriate intake of safe and nutritious weaning foods.In addition,
legume proteins are rich in lysine and deficient in sulphur
containing amino acids, whereas cereal proteins are lacking in
lysine.Wheat is the most important staple crop and provides amounts of a
number of components which are essential or beneficial for health,
notably protein, vitamins (notably B vitamins), dietary fiber and
phytochemicals.In many parts of developing countries
many families look for alternative source of protein from plant
origin like cereal and legumes, because of high cost of animal-based
foods and this constitute large proportions of overall proteins
consumed daily.In growing countries, chickpea brings a multiplicity of taste and
texture to the cereal-based diet, as well as high-grade protein, fiber,
carbohydrates and minerals, thus ensuring a balanced diet.

Original text

In developing countries, children usually undergo from
underfeeding while being weaned, partly due to inadequate or
inappropriate intake of safe and nutritious weaning foods.
A complementary food is any apposite food given to older infants
and young children once breast-milk or infant formula alone can no
longer meet a growing child’s nutritional requests corresponding to
a healthy development.
Development of weaning foods from cereals and legumes has
been suggested by the FAO. In many parts of developing countries
many families look for alternative source of protein from plant
origin like cereal and legumes, because of high cost of animal-based
foods and this constitute large proportions of overall proteins
consumed daily.
The adding of legume to cereal-based products could be a good
alternative for increasing the consumption of legumes. In addition,
legume proteins are rich in lysine and deficient in sulphur
containing amino acids, whereas cereal proteins are lacking in
lysine.Wheat is the most important staple crop and provides amounts of a
number of components which are essential or beneficial for health,
notably protein, vitamins (notably B vitamins), dietary fiber and
Rice is a main food crop, with approximately one-third of the
world’s population relying on rice as a staple food and as the sole
source of nutrition and using local ingredients with rice to produce
micronutrient-rich complementary infant foods.
Chickpea consumption is gradually increasing in current years.
In growing countries, chickpea brings a multiplicity of taste and
texture to the cereal-based diet, as well as high-grade protein, fiber,
carbohydrates and minerals, thus ensuring a balanced diet.
Carrots is one of the most generally used vegetables for human
nutrition, due to are a rich in pro-vitamin A, minerals and other
valued nutrients, diet fortification with carrots is healthful and
protective from various cancers.

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