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As we enter the 21st century with new technologies promising to improve our lives, the welfare and health of many people particularly children are still unsatisfactory.To achieve this goal, parents, educators and health officials should work together to create a healthy and appropriate environment that encourages children to change some bad habits related to food taken or to activities practised.Type II diabetes, previously considered an adult disease, has increased dramatically in children and adolescents due to obesity.Lack of physical activity (because children spend most of their time doing their homework, watching TV or surfing on the internet) and unhealthy eating patterns (such as having snacks regularly) are leading to a serious situation among children in USA.In 1999, 13% of children aged 6 to 11 years and

14% of adolescents aged 12 to 19 years in the United States were overweight; a rate that has nearly tripled in the past 2 decades.On the other side, children in many Asian, African and Latin American countries are living in absolute poverty.That's why many complaints are made by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).

Original text

As we enter the 21st century with new technologies promising to improve our lives, the welfare and health of many people particularly children are still unsatisfactory. That's why many complaints are made by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). In 1999, 13% of children aged 6 to 11 years and

14% of adolescents aged 12 to 19 years in the United States were overweight; a rate that has nearly tripled in the past 2 decades. This situation may lead to heart disease, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Type II diabetes, previously considered an adult disease, has increased dramatically in children and adolescents due to obesity. The most immediate consequence of overweight as perceived by some complaining children themselves is social discrimination. Lack of physical activity (because children spend most of their time doing their homework, watching TV or surfing on the internet) and unhealthy eating patterns (such as having snacks regularly) are leading to a serious situation among children in USA.
On the other side, children in many Asian, African and Latin American countries are living in absolute poverty. Every year, 15 million children die of hunger. For the price of one missile, a school full of hungry children could eat lunch every day for 5 years. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that one-third of the world is well-fed, one-third is under- fed and one-third is starving. To satisfy the world's sanitation and food requirements, it would cost only US $ 13 billion- what the people of the United States and the European Union spend on perfume each year. Vaccinations, balanced nutrition and exercising should be part of our children's life. To achieve this goal, parents, educators and health officials should work together to create a healthy and appropriate environment that encourages children to change some bad habits related to food taken or to activities practised. We have to work hard for the welfare of our children until they make physical in the South, balanced eating habits, in the North and in the South,

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