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You can be extremely excited and convincing in talking to other people, but if you safe place (for boats) doubts inside yourself, it will be harder to reach your dreams.You are researching, studying, reading or surfing the Internet right now when you come acrosswhat looks like a promising medical treatment or (way of living) idea, but when you run out tobuy it, it is not on the shelves, has gone bad or is more expensive than you expected.Theelements of the Yin-Earth are seen as softness, the want to meet other people's expectations.You can become a victim of other people's (moving around/misleading and dishonest behaviors), do not respond to encouragements (to fight).Loss or theft may happen ifyou are careless with your belongings.To be successful, you mustbelieve in your own talents and abilities as much as you pretend to in front of others.You may be just at the edge of creation, but maybethere's a little nudge that's needed from someone in power.Your (success plan(s)/way(s) of reaching goals) for the near future should be exactly (checked for truth/proved true), otherwise itwill be very hard to expect success.Networking is extremely important right now.

Original text

You can be extremely excited and convincing in talking to other people, but if you safe place (for boats) doubts inside yourself, it will be harder to reach your dreams. To be successful, you mustbelieve in your own talents and abilities as much as you pretend to in front of others. 
You are researching, studying, reading or surfing the Internet right now when you come acrosswhat looks like a promising medical treatment or (way of living) idea, but when you run out tobuy it, it is not on the shelves, has gone bad or is more expensive than you expected. 
Networking is extremely important right now. You may be just at the edge of creation, but maybethere's a little nudge that's needed from someone in power. Make time for dinner dates, (meetings to discuss things/meetings together), lunches/mid-day parties, and coffee meetings. You may run into just the right person. 
It's time to rethink the situation and think about their prospects. According to the ideas of theChinese smart people, the day of the Ox is good for planning. Your (success plan(s)/way(s) of reaching goals) for the near future should be exactly (checked for truth/proved true), otherwise itwill be very hard to expect success. Protect your privacy from prying eyes. The Chinesehoroscope for the Goat for tomorrow does not leave out/keep out the tricks of critics. Theelements of the Yin-Earth are seen as softness, the want to meet other people's expectations. You can become a victim of other people's (moving around/misleading and dishonest behaviors), do not respond to encouragements (to fight). 
What does 2019 have in store for you? Talk with an expert (mind-related/spirit-related) now tofind out! 
Ruffle of temper could lead to a argument and argument. Today (losing money) seem likely if youinvest on the words of others. Get together with family or close friends to make it an excellentday. Romance rules your heart. Good day for stores and wholesalers. Loss or theft may happen ifyou are careless with your belongings. You and your (husband or wife) might get a wonderfulnews today. 
You may feel especially restless today. You or someone close may be a flirt and look (for) theattention of others to get what you or they want. When faced with dull but necessary jobs, youcan be easily bored. Do your best to stay focused and on task. Arrange to play this evening. 
Your loved one will truly appreciate your delay.

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