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The Earth's climate has changed several times throughout history.Deforestation contributes to global warming and leads to carbon dioxide
remaining in the atmosphere, and as it accumulates, it produces a layer in the
atmosphere that blocks the radiation coming from the sun.Livestock farming requires large portions of
land to raise animal herds and grow livestock crops to meet consumer needs.According
to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), there have been
seven cycles of warming and cooling in the last 650,000 years.The third reason for urbanization is the
process of removing a large area of land to build more accommodation,
recreational and agricultural more than 80%.

Original text

The Earth's climate has changed several times throughout history. According
to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), there have been
seven cycles of warming and cooling in the last 650,000 years. These earlier
cycles occurred naturally because of changes in the atmosphere. In contrast,
nearly all climate scientists agree that the climate changes we are seeing today
are caused by human activities, especially Deforestation, and these activities are
having serious negative effects on our planet.
The first major cause of deforestation and severe forest degradation is
agriculture. by more than 80%. One of the biggest contributing factors to
deforestation is the timber industry. This is due to logging, a very common
practice because of the permanent uses of wood products in everyday life.
Every year, 4 million wood is used. The third reason for urbanization is the
process of removing a large area of land to build more accommodation,
recreational and agricultural uses. Livestock farming requires large portions of
land to raise animal herds and grow livestock crops to meet consumer needs.
Deforestation is ongoing and is reshaping climate and geography.
Deforestation contributes to global warming and leads to carbon dioxide
remaining in the atmosphere, and as it accumulates, it produces a layer in the
atmosphere that blocks the radiation coming from the sun. Deforestation may
also release carbon stores in the soil. Deforestation affects wind flows, water
vapor flows, and solar. energy absorption, which affects the local and global
To conclude, human activity is clearly causing the climate to change and, as a
result, the planet is experiencing several negative effects. It is important that we
reduce our negative impact on the planet as much as possible - for example, by
using renewable energy instead of fossil fuels - before it is too late.(279)

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