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Ladies and gentlemen,
Good morning
It is with great enthusiasm and excitement that I stand before you today to share my thoughts and findings on my wonderful journey with wro.The competition tasks us with designing, building, and programming robots to tackle real-world challenges--a feat that requires not only technical prowess but also ingenuity and imagination.Firstly I'd like to extend my thanks to God Almighty, then to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman may God protect him, and His Highness the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and I thank my homeland, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.In the heat of the competition, as we watched our robots navigate intricate mazes, conquer daunting obstacles, and complete complex tasks, we were reminded of the power of teamwork and the boundless potential of human innovation.It is my sincere hope that my journey in robotics serves as a source of inspiration and encouragement to all those who dare to dream of a better world--a world where robots not only reflect our humanity but also help us to realize its fullest potential.I am deeply honored to have this opportunity to share with you the incredible experience of participating in the World Robot Olympiad (WRO) competition--a journey that has been nothing short of exhilarating, challenging, and immensely rewarding.But with perseverance, collaboration, and unwavering determination, we overcame each challenge, emerging stronger and more united as a team.

Original text

Ladies and gentlemen,
Good morning
It is with great enthusiasm and excitement that I stand before you today to share my thoughts and findings on my wonderful journey with wro. Firstly I’d like to extend my thanks to God Almighty, then to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman may God protect him, and His Highness the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and I thank my homeland, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

I am filled with profound gratitude and a deep sense of appreciation for the unwavering support and encouragement that I have received from our school in my journey in robotics.

So, to the teachers who have inspired me, the administrators who have supported me, and the friends who have stood by me every step of the way, I offer my heartfelt thanks. Thank you for believing in me, for challenging me, and for helping me to realize my full potential as a student and as a roboticist.

I am deeply honored to have this opportunity to share with you the incredible experience of participating in the World Robot Olympiad (WRO) competition—a journey that has been nothing short of exhilarating, challenging, and immensely rewarding.
From the moment we received the invitation to compete in the WRO, excitement rippled through our team. The prospect of showcasing our skills on a global stage, alongside teams from around the world, filled us with fear that charged our ambition to compete .

As we embarked on our preparation journey, we encountered obstacles and setbacks. But with perseverance, collaboration, and unwavering determination, we overcame each challenge, emerging stronger and more united as a team.
The heart of the WRO lies in its commitment to fostering innovation, creativity, and problem-solving skills among young minds. The competition tasks us with designing, building, and programming robots to tackle real-world challenges—a feat that requires not only technical prowess but also ingenuity and imagination.
In the heat of the competition, as we watched our robots navigate intricate mazes, conquer daunting obstacles, and complete complex tasks, we were reminded of the power of teamwork and the boundless potential of human innovation. Each success, no matter how small, was a testament to our collective effort and determination to push the boundaries of what is possible.

In closing, I would like to thank each and every one of you for your attention and support. It is my sincere hope that my journey in robotics serves as a source of inspiration and encouragement to all those who dare to dream of a better world—a world where robots not only reflect our humanity but also help us to realize its fullest potential.

Please join me in welcoming [my teammate in this successful journey Hala alqahtani],
And I look forward for a future opportunity to share with you our story with the upcoming new challenge ftc competition Thank you.

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