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Christie Sides gets fed up and accuses referees of failing to protect Caitlin Clark: She's getting beat up.head coach Christie Sides has expressed her growing frustration with WNBA officiating, particularly regarding the treatment of rookie standout Caitlin Clark, through the early part of the 2024 season."She keeps fighting.I just feel like we need to get the same calls that they're getting on the other end. We're just not getting those same calls. I'm going to fight like hell for them."Clark agrees with Sides
Despite Clark's strong performance with 20 points, nine assists, and three rebounds, the Fever were defeated 103-88, leaving them with a 1-8 record for the season.

Original text

Christie Sides gets fed up and accuses referees of failing to protect Caitlin Clark: She's getting beat up.head coach Christie Sides has expressed her growing frustration with WNBA officiating, particularly regarding the treatment of rookie standout Caitlin Clark, through the early part of the 2024 season. In Thursday night's game against the Seattle Storm, Sides was given a technical foul after a heated reaction to what she saw as a blatant foul on Clark.

Post-game, Sides passionately defended Clark and criticized the officiating, highlighting her concerns for her players' fair treatment.The whole 40 minutes [Clark] is in the game - on both ends - she's getting beat up," Sides said.

"She keeps fighting.I just feel like we need to get the same calls that they're getting on the other end. We're just not getting those same calls. I'm going to fight like hell for them."Clark agrees with Sides
Despite Clark's strong performance with 20 points, nine assists, and three rebounds, the Fever were defeated 103-88, leaving them with a 1-8 record for the season.

"I think at times there are ways I can probably channel it a little better, but that's just basketball at the end of the day," Clark noted.That's never going to change. I'm never going to lose that. I feel like I'm getting hammered."

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