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Rheumatoid arthritis is often associated with impaired joint health, including joine inflammation, pain and damage, and it appears that these physical manifestations create additional barriers to exercise for RA patients.

Original text

Rheumatoid arthritis is often associated with impaired joint health, including joine inflammation, pain and damage, and it appears that these physical manifestations create additional barriers to exercise for RA patients. Corresponding with this, the perception that exercise may have detrimental effects on joint health has been found to exist in many patients with RA. In particular, joint pain has been highlighted as a definitive barrier and has also been perceived as a prominent factor in determining patients' exercise behavior. The negative influence of pain on patients' exercise behavior was also described during our focus groups, forming the theme (Not wanting to exercise as joints hurt) (Qvarfordt, Andersson, & Larsson, 2019).

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