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Azban and the Crayfish
Bruchac, James and Joseph.Trickster Native American Tales: A Graphic Collection.Hurriedly, the crayfish crawls underneath a rock to hide, and when Azban reaches out one of his claws the crayfish pinches Azban's finger.The crayfish swims back to the crayfish village to tell the Chief and the other crayfish that he was in a great battle with Azban and defeated him and Azban is now dead.He begins looking into the water and at the same moment a crayfish is swimming by and sees the reflection of Azban.Azban sits on the bank to concoct a plan on how to get the crayfish without getting hurt.The Chief is hesitant in his belief of this story so all of the crayfish go to the bank to see for themselves if Azban is dead."Azban and the Crayfish."

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Azban and the Crayfish
Bruchac, James and Joseph. "Azban and the Crayfish." Trickster Native American Tales: A Graphic Collection. Golden, CO: Fulcrum Books, 2010. Print.

One day Azban the raccoon is out walking and feeling hungry. Fortunately he was near a stream. Azban begins to think about the delicious fish and bullfrog he may catch. Then he thinks about all of the crayfish that he can fill upon. He begins looking into the water and at the same moment a crayfish is swimming by and sees the reflection of Azban. Hurriedly, the crayfish crawls underneath a rock to hide, and when Azban reaches out one of his claws the crayfish pinches Azban's finger. Azban sits on the bank to concoct a plan on how to get the crayfish without getting hurt. Azban puts his plan in motion and pretends that he is dead. The crayfish swims back to the crayfish village to tell the Chief and the other crayfish that he was in a great battle with Azban and defeated him and Azban is now dead. The Chief is hesitant in his belief of this story so all of the crayfish go to the bank to see for themselves if Azban is dead. The crayfish test if Azban is dead by pinching him, and although Azban is in pain he remains still. Once the Chief crayfish is convinced Azban is dead he insists that they celebrate so all the crayfish climb out of the water and make a circle around Azban for the victory dance. The crayfish tired themselves out from the singing and dancing and set down to rest. At this moment Azban opened his eyes, jumped up and began eating crayfish after crayfish.

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