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Cry, the Beloved Country is a novel that explores the concept of
hope, particularly in South Africa during apartheid.Characters like Stephen Kumalo, James Jarvis, and
Theophilus Msimangu demonstrate the potential for goodness in
humankind, overcoming hatred and taking the first steps to mend a
broken nation.The novel, published by a white writer during apartheid,
highlights the social class divide in South Africa, with white people
being wealthy and powerful and black people being poor and
oppressed.Despite the tense and fragile society, the novel's message is one of

Original text

Cry, the Beloved Country is a novel that explores the concept of
hope, particularly in South Africa during apartheid. The main
character, Stephen Kumalo, uses hope to fight for his beliefs, his son,
and his tribe. Arthur Jarvis, a man who believes in education and
social reform, is portrayed as a man who dedicates his life to
improving his country. James, a reader of Arthur's manuscripts, takes
steps to implement his son's ideals, giving hope to the people of
In the final chapters, Stephen Kumalo becomes acquainted with
Arthur's son, whom he sees as an angel. The novel concludes on a
note of hope, as it symbolizes South Africa's new beginning or
redemption. The novel, published by a white writer during apartheid,
highlights the social class divide in South Africa, with white people
being wealthy and powerful and black people being poor and
Despite the tense and fragile society, the novel's message is one of
hope. Characters like Stephen Kumalo, James Jarvis, and
Theophilus Msimangu demonstrate the potential for goodness in
humankind, overcoming hatred and taking the first steps to mend a
broken nation.

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