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1.**Diagnostic Decision and Retrieval:** The framework included a classification stage for diagnostic decisions and a retrieval phase to retrieve relevant cases and their clinical observations from the previous database, aiding radiologists in validating the CAD decision.**Multilevel Similarity Measure (MLSM) Algorithm:** They introduced an MLSM algorithm based on multiscale information fusion to retrieve relevant cases from a previous patients' database by computing a weighted structural similarity score of multilevel features.**Ensemble-SDCNN Model:** The ensemble-SDCNN model processed CXR images in parallel to extract both low- and high-level features, enhancing overall classification performance.

Original text

  1. Proposed Fusion-based Deep Classification Network: They developed a fusion-based deep learning model called ensemble-SDCNN, combining a shallow CNN (SCNN) for low-level features like edge information and a deep CNN (DCNN) for high-level features like TB patterns.

  2. Multilevel Similarity Measure (MLSM) Algorithm: They introduced an MLSM algorithm based on multiscale information fusion to retrieve relevant cases from a previous patients’ database by computing a weighted structural similarity score of multilevel features.

  3. Data Set and Evaluation: They evaluated their framework’s performance using two well-known CXR datasets and compared it against state-of-the-art methods using metrics like F1 score, average precision, average recall, accuracy, and area under the curve (AUC).

  4. Cross-Data Analysis: They conducted cross-data analysis to assess the model's generalizability by training and testing it on different datasets.

  5. Diagnostic Decision and Retrieval: The framework included a classification stage for diagnostic decisions and a retrieval phase to retrieve relevant cases and their clinical observations from the previous database, aiding radiologists in validating the CAD decision.

  6. Ensemble-SDCNN Model: The ensemble-SDCNN model processed CXR images in parallel to extract both low- and high-level features, enhancing overall classification performance.

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