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While you'll never be able to anticipate every question you might be
asked in an interview, you can get a head start1 by developing strong,
concise answers to commonly used questions.Most interviewers will ask
similar questions like these to gain knowledge about a candidate's abilities
s and qualifications and compatibility with2 the job and the company.Develop a few brief sentences that demonstrate
you have what it takes3 to do the job-experience, proven results, and
15 desire to contribute.4
2.Remember, the interviewer does not
want to hear about your hometown or your hobby.10
This question calls for your one-minute commercial that summarizes
your years of experience and skills and your personality in the context
of the job for which you are interviewing.The key to answering any question about you versus your competition
is using specifics.1.Tell me about yourself.This is often the opening question in an interview.It's also one of the
most difficult if you're not prepared.Get to the point and sell
your professional self.Why should we hire you?

Original text

While you'll never be able to anticipate every qµestion you might be
asked in an interview, you can get a head start1 by developing strong,
concise answers to commonly used questions. Most interviewers will ask
similar questions like these to gain knowledge about a candidate's abilities
s and qualifications and compatibility with2 the job and the company.

  1. Tell me about yourself.
    This is often the opening question in an interview. It's also one of the
    most difficult if you're not prepared. Remember, the interviewer does not
    want to hear about your hometown or your hobby.
    This question calls for your one-minute commercial that summarizes
    your years of experience and skills and your personality in the context
    of the job for which you are interviewing. Get to the point and sell
    your professional self. Develop a few brief sentences that demonstrate
    you have what it takes3 to do the job-experience, proven results, and
    15 desire to contribute.4

  2. Why should we hire you?
    The key to answering any question about you versus your competition
    is using specifics. "Everybody is going to speak in generalities, so you need
    something that will make you stand out5 a bit;' said Linda, a teacher in
    20 Springfield, Ohio. Give real examples that show them you are best-suited
    for the job. Linda says she would point out her achievements and
    accomplishments throughout her career that are relevant6 to the open
    position, as well as her experiences in dealing with different types of
    students and teaching situations. Pinpoint the qualities you have that are
    25 truly valuable to the company.

  3. Why do you want to work here? What do you know about
    our company?
    Peter, a physician in Indianapolis, said that research is important in
    answering these questions. "I would use this opportunity to show off what
    30 I know about the company and, more importantly, how I would fit in."

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