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About us :

POL & NILE is a company registered in the Arab Republic of Egypt, and its aim is to assist investors who plan to enter the Egyptian and Polish markets.Administrative assistance.Assisting in the process of establishing a new economic entity in the Egyptian market and the Polish market, in particular supporting the initial commercial activities and activities to link the company to the markets in a specific region.Assistance in selecting suitable locations and spaces for establishing warehouses and warehouses for your business and administrative offices.To ensure full support we offer in both countries:

Assistance in registering a new economic entity.Assistance in selecting offices that provide distinguished accounting services.Assist in organizing and conducting public and necessary procurement.

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About us :

POL & NILE is a company registered in the Arab Republic of Egypt, and its aim is to assist investors who plan to enter the Egyptian and Polish markets. By meeting this challenge, POL & NILE’s qualified and experienced professionals are employed, ready to provide their business partners with:

Create new business contacts.
Assisting in the process of establishing a new economic entity in the Egyptian market and the Polish market, in particular supporting the initial commercial activities and activities to link the company to the markets in a specific region.
Consulting services for a company entering new markets.
Cooperation with partners in local markets.

To ensure full support we offer in both countries:

Assistance in registering a new economic entity.
Assistance in selecting offices that provide distinguished accounting services.
Advice on choosing banking and insurance services.
Assistance in selecting offices that provide legal advice and services.
Assistance in hiring employees.
Administrative assistance.
Marketing and translation services.
Provide local logistical assistance and local communications.
Communicating with business partners and investors in scientific and public fields and tenders.
Assist in organizing and conducting public and necessary procurement.
Assistance in selecting suitable locations and spaces for establishing warehouses and warehouses for your business and administrative offices.
Develop and analyze data for local market research needed to manage your project.
– We hope that the cooperation offer we have made to you will be interesting and lead to more successes for your company.

Paul & Nile your partner in success…

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