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The constitutional system of Russia is based on several key foundations, which are outlined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation adopted in 1993.These foundations collectively shape the constitutional framework of Russia, providing a basis for governance and protection of the rights and freedoms of its citizens.Federalism: Russia is a federal state with a division of powers between the central government and its constituent entities (republics, krais, oblasts, autonomous okrugs, and federal cities).The Constitution outlines the principles of democratic governance, including free and fair elections, separation of powers, and protection of individual rights and freedoms.Constitutional Court: The Constitution provides for the establishment of the Constitutional Court, which is responsible for interpreting the Constitution, resolving disputes related to constitutional matters, and ensuring the constitutionality of laws.Here are some of the main foundations:

Sovereignty: The Constitution establishes the Russian Federation as a sovereign state, emphasizing its independence and self-governance.Separation of Powers: The Constitution divides the powers of the government among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches to prevent the concentration of power in one institution.

Original text

The constitutional system of Russia is based on several key foundations, which are outlined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation adopted in 1993. Here are some of the main foundations:

Sovereignty: The Constitution establishes the Russian Federation as a sovereign state, emphasizing its independence and self-governance.
Federalism: Russia is a federal state with a division of powers between the central government and its constituent entities (republics, krais, oblasts, autonomous okrugs, and federal cities). This division is intended to ensure regional autonomy within the framework of a unified nation.
Rule of Law: The Constitution upholds the principle of the rule of law, emphasizing that the Constitution itself is the supreme law of the land. All laws and other legal acts must conform to the Constitution.
Democracy: Russia is described as a democratic state. The Constitution outlines the principles of democratic governance, including free and fair elections, separation of powers, and protection of individual rights and freedoms.
Presidential System: The President of the Russian Federation is the head of state and holds significant executive powers. The President is elected through a popular vote and serves a six-year term.
Separation of Powers: The Constitution divides the powers of the government among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches to prevent the concentration of power in one institution. This separation is intended to ensure checks and balances within the system.
Protection of Human Rights: The Constitution guarantees fundamental human rights and freedoms, including the right to life, liberty, equality, and freedom of speech. It establishes the Constitutional Court to protect and interpret these rights.
Multi-Party System: Russia has a multi-party system, allowing for the existence and participation of various political parties. However, the dominance of certain political parties has been a topic of discussion and debate.
Constitutional Court: The Constitution provides for the establishment of the Constitutional Court, which is responsible for interpreting the Constitution, resolving disputes related to constitutional matters, and ensuring the constitutionality of laws.
These foundations collectively shape the constitutional framework of Russia, providing a basis for governance and protection of the rights and freedoms of its citizens. It's important to note that the political and legal landscape can evolve, and amendments to the Constitution may impact these foundations over time.

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