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training and succession planning.A good mentor doesn't always need the specific skills but they need to understand how to communicate clearly to the mentality and the journey that individual's
on and challenge them to discover their own pathway.How to develop your people, so to maximize the return to the business and how to create a learning culture A great example is from Ben shewry, one of Australia's top chefs.that allows the creativity to develop and keeps him at the forefront of his a great way that i've found to encourage and inspire my team is just taking them out away from the kitchen to a supplier.i mean talking about potatoes is one thigh, but to be digging theam out of the earth with your own hands, meeting the farmer, understanding the whole process it's gone through before that potato just turns up in your kitchen, that takes your knowledge to a new level.Coaching is giving that real time feedback from personal experience and having the direct skills you're imparting to the rest of your team.mentoring.

Original text

training and succession planning. How to develop your people, so to maximize the return to the business and how to create a learning culture A great example is from Ben shewry, one of Australia's top chefs. He has a chef's table every Tuesday where his teams showcase and road test dishes to real-time paying customers.
that allows the creativity to develop and keeps him at the forefront of his cuisine.
you know what, we're pretty blessed in an industry that is so sensory. so a great way that i've found to encourage and inspire my team is just taking them out away from the kitchen to a supplier. i mean talking about potatoes is one thigh, but to be digging theam out of the earth with your own hands, meeting the farmer, understanding the whole process it's gone through before that potato just turns up in your kitchen, that takes your knowledge to a new level. and, I'll always see my individuals get super engaged around a simple process just like that.
As a kitchen leader, you need to constantly coach and mentor your staff.
I'm going to give you a little bit of a differentiation.
Coaching is giving that real time feedback from personal experience and having the direct skills you're imparting to the rest of your team. mentoring.
A good mentor doesn't always need the specific skills but they need to understand how to communicate clearly to the mentality and the journey that individual's
on and challenge them to discover their own pathway.
A great mentor will invite curious exploration to allow the team member to go on their own journey.
The lessons are so much more powerful if your team member discovers it themselves.
What you need to do now, apart from heading out and catching up with your supplies with you a team, is really take a good look at what training is currently being offered for you and your team, and does it meet the demands of the business.
Also, make sure that you are challenging your team.
What competitions can you set up?
How can you further enhance their growth.
so that you're creating the learning culture.

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