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The pre-writing or planning phase is followed by the writing phase which is also the referred to as the 'drafting' of your paper.In today's world you need to be computer literate, so make sure your font and spacing is consistent, use the spell and grammar checker, etc.Thirdly, leave yourself time between drafts so that you can mull over what you are trying to say.To start with, there are some general writing rules in order to make your thesis more readable.Sloppy work suggests a sloppy mind.

Original text

The pre-writing or planning phase is followed by the writing phase which is also the referred to as the 'drafting' of your paper. To start with, there are some general writing rules in order to make your thesis more readable. The first rule is to proof read everything before you hand it in to your supervisor. Nothing detracts more from a piece of writing than errors! Sloppy work suggests a sloppy mind. Do your own proof reading or ask a friend to help you. Secondly, keep it simple. In other words, focus on getting your point across, writing clearly and to the point. Thirdly, leave yourself time between drafts so that you can mull over what you are trying to say. Also errors will be easier to detect after a couple of days. Remember not to procrastinate - don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Lastly, present your drafts in as neat a form as possible. In today's world you need to be computer literate, so make sure your font and spacing is consistent, use the spell and grammar checker, etc.

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