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The first day, Monday, at 9:10 minutes, we entered the microbiology department. Before starting, hands must be sterilized. We sorted the food samples, and we wrote on each sample the sample number, from which municipality, and the type of sample Staphylococcus, E. coli. or Salmonella. We use weighing bags on which the name of the sample and the municipality number are written. We take 10 grams of the sample and put it in weighing bags inside the pump device. We pu 90 percent of peptone water until the total becomes 100. We take weighing bags and put them inside the churning device, then put it in the laboratory incubator and leave it at 37 degrees Celsius for 24 hours. Food samples were made in the Arboretum worked the next day.
The first day, Monday, at 9:10 minutes, we
entered the microbiology department. Before
starting, hands must be sterilized. We sorted the
food samples, and we wrote on each sample the
sample number, from which municipality, and
the type of sample Staphylococcus, E. coli. or
Salmonella. We use weighing bags on which the
name of the sample and the municipality
number are written. We take 10 grams of the
sample and put it in weighing bags inside the
pump device. We pu 90 percent of peptone
water until the total becomes 100. We take
weighing bags and put them inside the churning
device, then put it in the laboratory incubator
and leave it at 37 degrees Celsius for 24 hours.
Food samples were made in the Arboretum
worked the next day.
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