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Divorce is an unfortunate phenomenon that causes the disintegration of society, and it falls victim to children who suffer greatly because of their growing up far from one of the parents, and that “the most hated of the lawful” has other negative effects that require a pause towards it. It is noticeable that the phenomenon of rapid divorce, which occurs after a short period of marriage, has increased greatly in recent times, and looking at the reasons for divorce in general, it is clear that early marriage is the first suspect in a rapid separation, as statistics reveal that most of the "most hated" cases occur during The first four years of marriage among young people, due to the immaturity of both parties of the two life partners on the one hand, as well as the intervention of parents in the lives of their children on the other hand, in addition to other economic, social and cultural factors, among others. Al-Qabas met with a group of academics and specialists who considered that divorce rates in Kuwait have risen dramatically in recent times, which is causing the family to break up; Which is the core of society, in addition to its negative effects on children, many of whom become depressed and withdrawn due to the separation of their parents.

Original text

Divorce is an unfortunate phenomenon that causes the disintegration of society, and it falls victim to children who suffer greatly because of their growing up far from one of the parents, and that “the most hated of the lawful” has other negative effects that require a pause towards it. It is noticeable that the phenomenon of rapid divorce, which occurs after a short period of marriage, has increased greatly in recent times, and looking at the reasons for divorce in general, it is clear that early marriage is the first suspect in a rapid separation, as statistics reveal that most of the "most hated" cases occur during The first four years of marriage among young people, due to the immaturity of both parties of the two life partners on the one hand, as well as the intervention of parents in the lives of their children on the other hand, in addition to other economic, social and cultural factors, among others. Al-Qabas met with a group of academics and specialists who considered that divorce rates in Kuwait have risen dramatically in recent times, which is causing the family to break up; Which is the core of society, in addition to its negative effects on children, many of whom become depressed and withdrawn due to the separation of their parents.

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