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Personality tests are the most important tests for any small or big organisation, as it is always possible to improve skills and qualifications in a specific sphere.(2017)
The personality traits most frequently assessed in work situations include Extroversion, Emotional stability, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness and Openness.Psychological tests are one technique in assessing these individual differences to provide a successful match between people and jobs.Bogatova, M .

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Personality tests are the most important tests for any small or big organisation, as it is always possible to improve skills and qualifications in a specific sphere. Psychological tests are one technique in assessing these individual differences to provide a successful match between people and jobs. It measures stable, job-relevant characteristics that are effective predictors of job performance, especially in professions where an employee has to deal with people. Bogatova, M . (2017)
The personality traits most frequently assessed in work situations include Extroversion, Emotional stability, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness and Openness. These five personality traits are collectively known as the Big Five or Five Factor Model. Personality traits have been shown to correlate to job performance in different roles. For example, a salesperson who scores high on extraversion and assertiveness tend to do better.

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