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for Cooperative Health Insurance was established by the government in 1999 [19].No informa- tion is available yet regarding the coop- erative health insurance scheme for the population of Saudi Arabia other than employees and expatriates.Arabia
Funding health care services is a central challenge faced by the MOH [32].To meet the growing population demands for health care and to ensure the qual- ity of services provided, the Council

While the market for cooperative health insurance in Saudi Arabia started with only 1 company in 2004, it cur- rently involves about 25 companies.he introduction of the scheme is in- tended to decrease the inancial burden on Saudi Arabia due to the costs as- sociated with providing health services free-of-charge.he third phase included employees of all companies in Saudi Arabia as well as domestic work- ers [14,37].Only the irst stage has been implemented to date, with the cooperative health insurance being implemented gradually in a 3-phase programme to employees of the private sector and their dependants [14,37].he government is now working systematically to apply the re- maining 2 stages--for employees in the government sector and for pilgrims-- before they privatize the state-owned health care facilities [14].In the irst stage, the cooperative health insurance was applied for non-Saudis and Saudis in the private sector, in which their employers have to pay for health cover costs.In the inal stage, the cooperative health insurance will be applied to other groups, such as pilgrims [36].he irst phase covered companies with 500 or more employees, while the sec- ond phase applied to employers with more than 100 workers.he implementation of a coop- erative health insurance scheme was planned over 3 stages.In the second stage, the cooperative health insurance is to be applied for Saudis and non-Saudis working in the government sector.he government will pay the cooperative health insurance costs for this category of employee.

Original text

for Cooperative Health Insurance was  established by the government in 1999  [19]. he main role of this Council is  to introduce, regulate and supervise a  health insurance strategy for the Saudi  health care market.
he implementation of a coop- erative health insurance scheme was  planned over 3 stages. In the irst stage,  the cooperative health insurance was  applied for non-Saudis and Saudis in the  private sector, in which their employers  have to pay for health cover costs. In the  second stage, the cooperative health  insurance is to be applied for Saudis and  non-Saudis working in the government  sector. he government will pay the  cooperative health insurance costs for  this category of employee. In the inal  stage, the cooperative health insurance  will be applied to other groups, such  as pilgrims [36]. Only the irst stage  has been implemented to date, with  the cooperative health insurance being  implemented gradually in a 3-phase  programme to employees of the private  sector and their dependants [14,37].  he irst phase covered companies with  500 or more employees, while the sec- ond phase applied to employers with  more than 100 workers. he third phase  included employees of all companies in  Saudi Arabia as well as domestic work- ers [14,37]. he government is now  working systematically to apply the re- maining 2 stages—for employees in the  government sector and for pilgrims— before they privatize the state-owned  health care facilities [14]. No informa- tion is available yet regarding the coop- erative health insurance scheme for the  population of Saudi Arabia other than  employees and expatriates.Arabia
Funding health care services is a central challenge faced by the MOH [32].To meet the growing population demands for health care and to ensure the qual- ity of services provided, the Council

While the market for cooperative  health insurance in Saudi Arabia started  with only 1 company in 2004, it cur- rently involves about 25 companies.  he introduction of the scheme is in- tended to decrease the inancial burden  on Saudi Arabia due to the costs as- sociated with providing health services  free-of-charge. It will also give people 

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