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Summarize result (77%)

Under the influence of vertically oriented
microtubules, cells of the developing neural plate elongate, while
contraction of actin microfilaments arranged circumferentially
around the apical portions of the cells results in cells with a broad base and narrow apex.The
process of neural fold bending in a dorsomedial direction also
appears to involve differential proliferation and translocation
of the neuroepithelial cells.34 Surface glycoproteins, especially
cell adhesion molecules important for cell-cell recognition, as
well as adhesive interactions with extracellular matrix, mediate
fusion of the opposing neural folds.1.1).

Original text

Under the influence of vertically oriented
microtubules, cells of the developing neural plate elongate, while
contraction of actin microfilaments arranged circumferentially
around the apical portions of the cells results in cells with a broad base and narrow apex. These forces on the neural plate
result in invagination of its midline, dorsomedial folding of its
edges, and closure to form the neural tube (see Fig. 1.1). The
process of neural fold bending in a dorsomedial direction also
appears to involve differential proliferation and translocation
of the neuroepithelial cells.34 Surface glycoproteins, especially
cell adhesion molecules important for cell-cell recognition, as
well as adhesive interactions with extracellular matrix, mediate
fusion of the opposing neural folds. Other critical molecular
events include action of the products of certain regional
patterning genes (especially bone morphogenetic proteins
and sonic hedgehog), homeobox genes, surface receptors, and
transcription factors.

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