
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (65%)

Not Spending Enough Cash (or Spending Too Much)
You'll probably have a lot of financial worries as a new business owner.

النص الأصلي

Not Spending Enough Cash (or Spending Too Much)
You'll probably have a lot of financial worries as a new business owner. The majority of business owners have little money to spend, and those who do frequently adopt the "you have to spend money to create money" mentality, which, if unchecked, is just as harmful. Therefore, the entrepreneurs must check their financial situation and develop a plan before they start spending money

Not having a great product or service
If you want to succeed, you still need to have something unique about your product or service, even if you don't want to compete on price, as many small businesses do because they can't afford to compete on service. Without this distinctive component, your clients will look elsewhere and discover someone else who is delivering better value than what you are. When they do that, they take their allegiance with them and might never come back. In order for your product to succeed, you need to renew it or add additions to it so that your customers' loyalty does not go away if they find alternative products with more additions or new products, also put a good price for your services or products because most people cannot afford high prices

Putting Your Product First
Well, so this might not sound like a mistake, but it definitely is if your product or service benefits your client or consumer at the expense of another party. Not the product, they are what bring in the cash No matter how excellent your product or service is, if no one is buying it, what's the point? It's crucial to have a customer-first approach when developing your product and choosing your company plan. Don't let your concern for profit cause you to overlook the essentials of running a successful enterprise.

Spending too much time in the office
You must be present in the office throughout the early stages of your business to foster a positive culture and develop relationships with staff. On the other hand, once you get rolling, you don't have to work nonstop.

Hiring who you know, rather than who is best
As a new business owner, you might be tempted to hire people you know who are looking for work. Perhaps a friend or relative of yours has expressed interest in working for your business.. While doing this for a loved one can be a wonderful way to help them out, it could also lead to problems down the road if their skills don't match what is required of them on the job. The best hiring methods emphasize skill sets above interpersonal relationships. Therefore, before hiring any of your relatives, make sure that he is suitable for the job.
Doing everything yourself
Entrepreneurship is challenging. You can't deal with anything on your own because there are several things to worry about.. Doing everything alone is one of the biggest blunders new business owners make because they take on too much risk and don't reach their full potential. You must work with employees and distribute work between them appropriately, in order to reach your highest potential
Expecting everyone to work as you do

You might assume, as the founder, that everyone will operate in the same manner. While it's true that every employee should put their all into making your company successful, it's crucial to realize that not everyone operates in the same manner. Some people communicate better than others, or they function at work with various skills and shortcomings.

Letting ego get the best of you

Ego is a significant issue for beginning business owners. It's simple to become engrossed in our concepts and believe that they are the only ones deserving of development. Yet it's crucial to put your ego aside and pay attention to others around you when you're establishing a business.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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مميزات أخري

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