
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (65%)

?Oncology: Oncology is the study of tumors
?Hyperplasia: increase in the number of cells of a tissue
?Tumor: Abnormal mass of tissue produced by progressive, unlimited,
purposeless proliferation of cells.Another definition: development of secondary malignant implants
away from the primary tumor.Characteristics of Benign and Malignant Neoplasm
Character Benign Malignant
Shape Capsulated Not capsulated
Size Usually smaller than malignant Rapid increase in size
Degree of
Well- differentiated Cell show variable loss of
Mode of growth Grows by expansion, does not
Grows at the periphery,
infiltrate and destroy the
surrounding tissue
Rate of growth Generally slow Grow rapidly
Metastasis Absent Present
Recurrence Not recurrent Recurrent
Tissue destruction No tissue destruction Extensive tissue destruction
Effect Insignificant effect except in vital
Dangerous effect
Benign tumor complications
??Carcinogenesis: process of transforming normal cells into malignant cells
?Metastasis: spread of cancer cells from the primary tumor to distant
?Thrombocytopenia: decrease in the number of circulating platelets;
associated with the potential for bleeding
?Alopecia: hair loss
Classification of tumor
? This process occurs through four stages:
initiation, promotion, progression and metastasis
1 - The initiation process involves carcinogens (factors that contribute
the development of cancer such as chemicals, physical factors) that alter
the genetic structure of DNA within cells.Dietary substances associated with an increased cancer risk include fats,
alcohol, salt-cured or smoked meats and a high caloric dietary intake.Presence or absence of distant metastases
Staging of cancer (Clinical staging):
The clinical staging classification system determines the extent of the
disease process of cancer by stages:
?2- During promotion, repeated exposure to carcinogens transforms the
genetic information so that cells begin to produce mutant (malformed)
cell population.Viruses: viruses play a significant role in weakening immunologic
defenses against neoplasms e.g. papilloma virus, and hepatitis B virus.Abnormal chromosomal patterns have been associated with extra
chromosomes, too few chromosomes, or translocated
chromosomes.e.g. Leukemia, meningiomas.The risk for cancer increases with long-term ingestion of carcinogens or
co-carcinogens or chronic absence of proactive substances in the diet.Hormonal Agents
Disturbances in hormonal balance either by the body's own
(endogenous) hormone production or by administration of (exogenous)
hormones.Malignant: A tumor which always invades the surrounding tissues
and give metastasis.Approximately 5% to 10% of cancers of adulthood and childhood
display a familial predisposition.- E.g. Cancers of the breast, prostate, and uterus are thought to depend on
endogenous hormonal levels for growth.Benign: not cancerous; benign tumors may grow but are unable to
spread to other areas
?Obstruction of a hollow organ: bronchial adenoma causing
bronchus obstruction.Rupture of cyst neoplasm: cyst adenoma of ovary.Overall, the incidence of cancer is higher in
men than in women and higher in industrialized sectors and nations.3- Progression: This stage is characterized by increased growth rate of
the tumor, increased invasiveness.Obesity is associated with endometrial cancer and possibly
postmenopausal breast cancers.- Oral contraceptives and prolonged estrogen replacement therapy.Presence or absence of lymph node involvement and its extent
?Malignant change: adenoma of colon----adenocarcinoma.?????????2.?4.?5.6.8.?????

النص الأصلي

Oncology: Oncology is the study of tumors
Hyperplasia: increase in the number of cells of a tissue
Tumor: Abnormal mass of tissue produced by progressive, unlimited,
purposeless proliferation of cells.
Cancer: is defined as a group of diseases characterized by the abnormal
growth and spread of cells. Cell division in cancer is both abnormal and
Carcinogenesis: process of transforming normal cells into malignant cells
Metastasis: spread of cancer cells from the primary tumor to distant
Thrombocytopenia: decrease in the number of circulating platelets;
associated with the potential for bleeding
Alopecia: hair loss
Classification of tumor
 Benign: not cancerous; benign tumors may grow but are unable to
spread to other areas
 Malignant: A tumor which always invades the surrounding tissues
and give metastasis.
■ Characteristics of Benign and Malignant Neoplasm
Character Benign Malignant
Shape Capsulated Not capsulated
Size Usually smaller than malignant Rapid increase in size
Degree of
Well- differentiated Cell show variable loss of
Mode of growth Grows by expansion, does not
Grows at the periphery,
infiltrate and destroy the
surrounding tissue
Rate of growth Generally slow Grow rapidly
Metastasis Absent Present
Recurrence Not recurrent Recurrent
Tissue destruction No tissue destruction Extensive tissue destruction
Effect Insignificant effect except in vital
Dangerous effect
Benign tumor complications
 Pressure effect: meningioma press on brain.
 Obstruction of a hollow organ: bronchial adenoma causing
bronchus obstruction.
 Ulceration and hemorrhage.
 Infection: papilloma of bladder.
 Rupture of cyst neoplasm: cyst adenoma of ovary.
 Hormone production.
 Malignant change: adenoma of colon----adenocarcinoma.
Epidemiology of cancer
Although cancer affects every age group, most cancers occur in people
older than 65 years of age. Overall, the incidence of cancer is higher in
men than in women and higher in industrialized sectors and nations.
Development of Cancer
Carcinogenesis and oncogenesis are other names for cancer
development. The process of changing a normal cell into a cancer cell is
called malignant transformation. This process occurs through four stages:
initiation, promotion, progression and metastasis
1 - The initiation process involves carcinogens (factors that contribute
the development of cancer such as chemicals, physical factors) that alter
the genetic structure of DNA within cells.
2- During promotion, repeated exposure to carcinogens transforms the
genetic information so that cells begin to produce mutant (malformed)
cell population.
3- Progression: This stage is characterized by increased growth rate of
the tumor, increased invasiveness.
4- Metastasis is spread of the cancer to a distant site
 Etiology and risk factors
In general, tumors are not attributable to a single cause

  1. Biological factors:
    ♦ Viruses: viruses play a significant role in weakening immunologic
    defenses against neoplasms e.g. papilloma virus, and hepatitis B virus.
    ♦ Genetic and familial factors:
     Abnormal chromosomal patterns have been associated with extra
    chromosomes, too few chromosomes, or translocated
    chromosomes.e.g. Leukemia, meningiomas.
     Approximately 5% to 10% of cancers of adulthood and childhood
    display a familial predisposition.

  2. Chemical factors: Smoking, alcohol, uranium

  3. Physical Agents
    ♦ Radiation: exposure to sunlight or Gamma and X- ray.
    ♦ Chronic irritation or inflammation.

  4. Dietary Factors
    ♦ The risk for cancer increases with long-term ingestion of carcinogens or
    co-carcinogens or chronic absence of proactive substances in the diet.
    Dietary substances associated with an increased cancer risk include fats,
    alcohol, salt-cured or smoked meats and a high caloric dietary intake.
    ♦ Obesity is associated with endometrial cancer and possibly
    postmenopausal breast cancers. Obesity may also increase the risk for
    cancers of the colon, kidney, and gallbladder.

  5. Hormonal Agents
    Disturbances in hormonal balance either by the body’s own
    (endogenous) hormone production or by administration of (exogenous)

  • E.g. Cancers of the breast, prostate, and uterus are thought to depend on
    endogenous hormonal levels for growth.

  • Oral contraceptives and prolonged estrogen replacement therapy.

  1. Age

  2. Defects of immune system. 8. Stress
     Warning signs of cancer (Caution)
     Change in bowel or bladder habits
     A sore that does not heal
     Unusual bleeding or discharge from anybody orifice
     Thickening or a lump in the breast or elsewhere
     Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing
     Obvious change in a wart or mole
     Nagging cough or hoarseness
    ■ Tumor staging
    ♦ Tumor stage describes the extent of the disease.
    ♦ Staging generally considers three important factors:
     Local size of primary tumor
     Presence or absence of lymph node involvement and its extent
     Presence or absence of distant metastases
    Staging of cancer (Clinical staging):
    The clinical staging classification system determines the extent of the
    disease process of cancer by stages:
     Stage 0: Cancer in situ.
     Stage I: Tumor limited to the tissue of origin; localized tumor growth.
     Stage II: Limited local spread.
     Stage III: Extensive local and regional spread.
     Stage IV: Metastasis
    ■ Metastatic mechanism of cancer
     Another definition: development of secondary malignant implants
    away from the primary tumor.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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