
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (100%)

Children seem to have an endless appetite for sugary foods.It also makes sense that children dislike bitter foods like kale or brussels sprouts.Foods you hated as a child-maybe steamed broccoli or blue cheese-may become favorites by the age of 30.Sugar provides quick energy, and historically kids needed a lot of energy to survive into adolescence.In almost everyone, food preferences change greatly as they age.Researchers say that it makes sense for children to crave sweet things.Teenagers?Not so much, but they will attack hearty food like pizza.

النص الأصلي

Children seem to have an endless appetite for sugary foods. Teenagers? Not so much, but they will attack hearty food like pizza. Foods you hated as a child-maybe steamed broccoli or blue cheese-may become favorites by the age of 30. In almost everyone, food preferences change greatly as they age. Researchers say that it makes sense for children to crave sweet things. Sugar provides quick energy, and historically kids needed a lot of energy to survive into adolescence. It also makes sense that children dislike bitter foods like kale or brussels sprouts. A child's "bitterness" taste buds are especially sensitive in order to warn against eating poisonous plants. Young adults are at a peak in their food-tasting lives. That's when someone is most likely to enjoy the greatest variety of food. Then, at some point in one's 40s, the number of taste buds begin to decline. But taste buds are only part of the story. As we age, we have food-related experiences. We associate certain foods with home. You may enjoy French food because of that wonderful summer you You may enjoy French food because of that wonderful summer you spent in Paris. So the older we get, the more diverse our tastes become Finally, our sense of smell changes as we age. Taste and smell are closely related. Babies and small children have a sharp sense of smell They won't even try foods with strong odors. As the sense of smell levels out in adolescence, more foods may be given a chance. Unfortunately, the sense Unfortunately, the sense of smell drops off sharply for many older adults, so that an 80-year-old may sense only about half what a 30-year-old can smell Eating tasty food adds greatly to the quality of life. No matter what your age, you can keep your senses of taste and smell sharp by avoiding dust, smoke, chemicals, and other environmental hazards

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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