
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (10%)

President of ITB named Prof. R.O. Its contents are in the form of a request to
build a mosque on Jalan Ganesha, which was originally used for the ITB Industrial
Research and Affiliation (LAPI) office.Then in 1964,
Kasab General A.H. Nasution visited ITB to give lectures.

النص الأصلي

President of ITB named Prof. R.O. Its contents are in the form of a request to
build a mosque on Jalan Ganesha, which was originally used for the ITB Industrial
Research and Affiliation (LAPI) office. However, unfortunately, the committee's
request has not been granted (Salman, 2010). On Thursday, May 28, 1964, there
was an agreement from Bung Karno to build a mosque named Salman Mosque.
Before the Salman Mosque ITB was built, ITB students carried out worship
activities such as Friday prayers at the ITB West Hall building. Then in 1964,
Kasab General A.H. Nasution visited ITB to give lectures. The night before A.H.
Nasution gave a lecture, ITB students read pledges to build a mosque at ITB. The
idea of building a mosque has received support from various parties. The origin
of the name Salman itself comes from the president of the Republic of Indonesia
and ITB alumni namely President Soekarno.
On May 5, 1972, the Salman Mosque was first used for Friday Prayers. In
the process of its construction, various organizations were also closely related to
the Salman ITB mosque. These organizations are not only a forum for
management but also a forum for discussion, a forum for da'wah and so on. Over
the years, it has been proven that the Salman Mosque has given birth to many ITB
alumni who are now influential figures in Indonesia such as Aburizal Bakrie, Hatta
Radjasa, and so on.
In 1961, the first Eid and Eid prayer were held at the ITB campus. 11
slaughtered sacrificial goats were slaughtered at that time. On October 13, 1962,
was the beginning of the religious lecture held at the ITB campus, with the lecturer
Prof. T.M. Soelaiman. March 28, 1963, With the approval of the President of ITB,
the ITB Mosque Builder Foundation (YPM) was endorsed by the notary deed
Komar Andasasmita number 83. Chairman of the Prof. Foundation T.M.
Soelaiman, with an initial capital of 10 thousand rupiahs.
On April 23, 1964, the Commander of the Navy Admiral R.E. Martadinata
and Veterans Minister Brigadier General Sarbini Prayed Eid al-Adha at ITB. Then
on April 24 of the same year, General A.H. Nasution visited ITB at the invitation
of the ITB Student Council (DM). General Nasution took part in Friday prayers
at ITB West Hall. The night before General Nasution's lecture, students read a
pledge to build a mosque at ITB. General Nasution gave his support. On May 4
of that year Emma Poeradiradja, a member of the ITB Trustees board, supported
the construction of the ITB mosque. On May 25, 1964, the Mayor of Bandung,
Priatna Kusumah, agreed to become an advisor to JPM ITB. Thursday, May 28,
1964, at exactly 07:30, the JPM ITB delegation led by Prof. T.M. Soelaiman along
with Ahmad Sadali and Ahmad Noe'man, met Bung Karno at the palace. Bung
Karno signed the mosque design drawings made by Ahmad Noe'man and gave
the name Salman

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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