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I am writing to report an incident that occurred at our Panda Supermarket located in Dana Mall, Royal Commission, Yanbu on [Insert Date].The altercation arose from a disagreement between them, during which both parties displayed rude behavior and engaged in a heated verbal exchange that escalated into a physical confrontation.On [Insert Date], a customer named James Bond engaged in a physical altercation with one of our employees, Yasir Muhammad, who works in the vegetable section of our supermarket.As a result of the altercation, Yasir Muhammad sustained injuries and was subsequently taken to the hospital for medical treatment.This incident is of significant concern to us as it reflects poorly on the reputation and image of our supermarket.
I am writing to report an incident that occurred at our Panda Supermarket located in Dana Mall, Royal Commission, Yanbu on [Insert Date].
On [Insert Date], a customer named James Bond engaged in a physical altercation with one of our employees, Yasir Muhammad, who works in the vegetable section of our supermarket. The altercation arose from a disagreement between them, during which both parties displayed rude behavior and engaged in a heated verbal exchange that escalated into a physical confrontation.
As a result of the altercation, Yasir Muhammad sustained injuries and was subsequently taken to the hospital for medical treatment. I am pleased to report that he has since recovered and has returned to work.
This incident is of significant concern to us as it reflects poorly on the reputation and image of our supermarket. It is imperative that we address this matter promptly to prevent any recurrence of such incidents in the future.
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