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Slid 20: Tesla is known for being environmentally friendly due to how its cars use electricity more than gas.The company has a long history of being involved in various environmental projects.The company also follows strict environmental regulations, and it doesn't contribute to carbon emissions.In addition to being able to communicate the company's goals and strategies, candidates for positions at Tesla also have the necessary skills and knowledge to monitor and apply key performance indicators (KPIs).In addition to manufacturing its own electric cars and reducing its dependence on petroleum, the company also established a closed loop for the recycling of batteries.Through its recycling program, Tesla has been able to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and recycle about 10% of its battery packs.In addition to holding annual meetings, Tesla also regularly communicates with its stakeholders through its various forms of media.Slide 21: Tesla's key stakeholder groups include its investors, employees, partners, suppliers, the government, and the public.These entities are also informed about the company's goals, strategies, and major accomplishments (Xu, 2020).Tesla has maintained a high level of transparency regarding its operations and business activities.These include live streaming its annual meeting and Q&A conferences, as well as factory tours.The company's recycling process involves separating the used lead-acid batteries into component parts.Through the use of a new technology, the company has also been able to reduce its recycling process's CO2 emissions by 70% (Bhardwaj et al., 2020).By focusing on new energy development, the company was able to create a suite of products that will provide clean energy to commercial, industrial, and residential markets.It also has various performance indicators that it uses to monitor its operations (Mangram, 2012).These include KPIs that are designed to assess the company's success in achieving its goals.Slide 23: Tesla Motors is known for being proactive when it comes to addressing social issues.The company's performance is communicated to these individuals through various forms of media, such as its financial reports.The company regularly publishes its financial data and other important information on its website.This allows its stakeholders to gain a deeper understanding of its operations.Slide 22: The company's manufacturing performance is measured based on the number of cars it produces each day.For its customer service division, it takes into account the number of inquiries and complaints that it receives.Its short life as a company has been defined by its commitment to energy conservation and environmental protection.This process made its operations more eco-friendly (Liu, 2021).These are then re-processed and reused in the production of the batteries.It has also been able to reuse about 90% of its recycled batteries, which is more than enough to cover the company's entire battery production.As it became clear that energy conservation was very important to protect the environment, Tesla took the necessary steps in 2015.This makes it one of the few companies that can compete against traditional cars.From 2003 to 2015, Tesla took the necessary steps to protect the environment.

Original text

Slid 20: Tesla is known for being environmentally friendly due to how its cars use electricity more than gas. The company also follows strict environmental regulations, and it doesn't contribute to carbon emissions. This makes it one of the few companies that can compete against traditional cars.
Slide 21: Tesla's key stakeholder groups include its investors, employees, partners, suppliers, the government, and the public. The company's performance is communicated to these individuals through various forms of media, such as its financial reports. These entities are also informed about the company's goals, strategies, and major accomplishments (Xu, 2020). Tesla has maintained a high level of transparency regarding its operations and business activities. The company regularly publishes its financial data and other important information on its website. This allows its stakeholders to gain a deeper understanding of its operations. In addition to holding annual meetings, Tesla also regularly communicates with its stakeholders through its various forms of media. These include live streaming its annual meeting and Q&A conferences, as well as factory tours.
Slide 22: The company's manufacturing performance is measured based on the number of cars it produces each day. For its customer service division, it takes into account the number of inquiries and complaints that it receives. It also has various performance indicators that it uses to monitor its operations (Mangram, 2012). These include KPIs that are designed to assess the company's success in achieving its goals. In addition to being able to communicate the company's goals and strategies, candidates for positions at Tesla also have the necessary skills and knowledge to monitor and apply key performance indicators (KPIs).
Slide 23: Tesla Motors is known for being proactive when it comes to addressing social issues. The company has a long history of being involved in various environmental projects. Its short life as a company has been defined by its commitment to energy conservation and environmental protection.
From 2003 to 2015, Tesla took the necessary steps to protect the environment. In addition to manufacturing its own electric cars and reducing its dependence on petroleum, the company also established a closed loop for the recycling of batteries. This process made its operations more eco-friendly (Liu, 2021). The company's recycling process involves separating the used lead-acid batteries into component parts. These are then re-processed and reused in the production of the batteries.
Through its recycling program, Tesla has been able to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and recycle about 10% of its battery packs. It has also been able to reuse about 90% of its recycled batteries, which is more than enough to cover the company's entire battery production. Through the use of a new technology, the company has also been able to reduce its recycling process's CO2 emissions by 70% (Bhardwaj et al., 2020). As it became clear that energy conservation was very important to protect the environment, Tesla took the necessary steps in 2015. By focusing on new energy development, the company was able to create a suite of products that will provide clean energy to commercial, industrial, and residential markets.

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