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1.International Association for the Study of Pain (1994) Classification of
chronic pain (2nd edn), Part III: Pain terms, A current list with definitions
and notes on usage.Campbell, JK, Penzine DB, Wall EM (2000) Evidence-based guidelines
for migraine headache: Behavioral and physical treatments.The US
Headache Consortium, American Academy of Neurology, USA.Wikipedia (2018) Pain management.

Original text


  1. International Association for the Study of Pain (1994) Classification of
    chronic pain (2nd edn), Part III: Pain terms, A current list with definitions
    and notes on usage. IASP Press , Seattle, USA, pp. 209-214.

  2. National Pharmaceutical Council (2001) Pain: Current understanding of
    assessment, management, and treatments.b . Republic of Rwanda (2012) Pain management guideline. Ministry of
    Health: Kigali, Rwanda.

  3. Veritas Health (2017) Pain management/pain management definition.

  4. Wikipedia (2018) Pain management.

  5. Helm S (2013) What is pain management?

  6. Campbell, JK, Penzine DB, Wall EM (2000) Evidence-based guidelines
    for migraine headache: Behavioral and physical treatments. The US
    Headache Consortium, American Academy of Neurology, USA.

  7. British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (2006) What is

  8. Australian Physiotherapy Association (2016) Pain management.

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